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*Brooklyn College Created Open Education Resources (OER): Psychology

Brooklyn College Library Digital Initiatives OER sites

Brooklyn College Psychology OER

You are fascinated by human behavior and the human mind. Whether you want to understand cognitive processes such as thinking, language, and memory, and how they are linked to brain functions; social behavior, such as how we perceive and interact with others individually and in groups; human development and how we change from birth through aging; or health and clinical psychology and how we can increase well-being in the community, you will find our Psychology Department to be an environment that will stimulate your interest and provide you with the basis for pursuing careers in many fields.

Below are PSYCHOLOGY Open Educational Resources (OER) / Zero Textbook Cost courses created for Brooklyn College.  

  • OERs are organized by Course Number
  • Click on homepage image to go to course site

PSYC 1000 (Tran)

Clicking takes you to psyc 1000 oer homepage.

Course: PSYC 1000
Title: Introductory Psychology
Professor: Ivy Tran
Platform: LibGuides

PSYC 1000 (Shane)

Intro to psych guide homepage image, click to go to site.

Course:  Introductory Psychology
Professor: Jacob Shane
Platform: LibGuides 

PSYC 2180 (Tran)

click to go to oer homepage.

Course: PSYC 2180
Title: Abnormal Psychology I
Professor: Tran
Platform:  WordPress (ac)

PSYC 2530 (Crump)

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Course: PSYC 2530
Title: Introductory Cognitive Psychology
Professor:  Matthew Crump
Platforms: Github, R, RStudio, Bookdown.

PSYC 3130 (Carmichael)

go to oer homepage.

Course: PSYC 3130
Title: Relationship Science
Professor: Cheryl Carmichael
Platform: WordPress

PSYC 3400 (Crump)

Cover images to psycology 3400 textbook and lab manual, click to go to github site.

Course: PSYC 3400
Title: Statistical Methods in Psychological Research
Professor: Matthew Crump
Platform: Github

PSYC 3450 (Crump)

Research methods for psychology book voer.

Course: PSYC 3450
Title: Experimental Psychology
Professor: Matthew Crump
Platform: Github

PSYC 7246G/BUSN 7250X (Queneau)

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Course: BUSN 7250X/PSYC 7246G
Title: International Human Resource Management
Professor: Hervé Queneau
Platform: LibGuides

PSYC 7247G/BUSN 7255X (Queneau)

Go to OER homepage.

Course: BUSN 7255X/PSYC 7247G
Title: Managing Diversity in the Global Economy
Professor: Hervé Queneau
Platform: LibGuides

PSYC 7709 Lab (Crump)

click to go to oer homepage.

Course: PSYC 7709 Lab
Title: Statistical Methods Practicum I
Professor: Matthew Crump
Platform: pkgdown, Github

PSYC 7709 Lab (Crump)

click to go to oer homepage.

Course: PSYC 7709 Lab
Title: Statistical Methods Practicum I
Professor: Matthew Crump
Platform: pkgdown, Github

PSYC 7765G (Crump)

click to go to oer homepage.

Course: PSYC 7765G
Title: Statistical Method Applications I
Professor: Matthew Crump
Platform: R Markdown
Creation Date: 2020 and 2021

PSYC 7766G (Crump)

click to go to oer homepage.

Course: PSYC 7766G
Title: Statistical Method Applications II
Professor: Matthew Crump
Platform: R Markdown