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*Brooklyn College Created Open Education Resources (OER): Mathematics

Brooklyn College Library Digital Initiatives OER sites

Brooklyn College Math OER

Mastering mathematics can open countless opportunities for you because of your highly desirable skill set.

Below are MATH Open Educational Resources (OER) / Zero Textbook Cost courses created for Brooklyn College.  

  • OERs are organized by Course Number
  • Click on homepage image to go to course site

MATH 1006 (Suzuki)

Homepage of College Algebra guide, click to go to site.

Course: MATH 1006
Title: College Algebra
Professor: Jeff Suzuki
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 1011/1012 (varies)

clicking will take you to myopenmath oer site.

Course: Math 1011/1012
Title: Precalculus Mathematics & Precalculus with Recitation
Instructors: Varies
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 1021 (Suzuki)

Precaluclus homepage, click to go to guide.

Course: MATH 1021
Title: Precalculus
Professor: Jeff Suzuki
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 1201 (varies)

clicking will take you to OER myopenmath site.

Course: MATH 1201
Title: Calculus I
Instructor: Various
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 1201 (Suzuki)

Homepage of intro to calculus, click to go to guide.

Course: MATH 1201
Title: Introduction to Calculus
Professor: Jeff Suzuki
Platform: LibGuides & MyOpenMath

MATH 1206 (varies)

clicking will take you to myopenmath oer.

Course: Math 1206
Title: Calculus II
Instructor: Varies
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 1231 (Kaganovskiy)

go to oer homepagae.

Course: Math 1231
Title: Applied Calculus for Economics, Business, and Finance
Professor: Leon Kaganovskiy
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 1231 (Pinheiro)

click to go to oer homepage.

Course: MATH 1231
Title: Applied Calculus for Economics, Business and Finance
Professor: Diogo Pinheiro
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 1311 (Suzuki)

Go to OER homepage.

Course: Math 1311
Title: Thinking Mathematically
Instructor: Jeff Suzuki
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 2101 (Suzuki)

Homepage of Math 2101 linear algebra, click to go to guide.

Course: MATH 2101 Linear Algebra
Professor: Jeff Suzuki
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 2201 (Aulicino)

Go to Math 2201 homepage on My Open Math

Course: MATH 2201
Title: Multivariable Calculus
Professor: David Aulicino
Platform: MyOpenMath

MATH 2206 (Pinheiro)

go to oer homepage.

Course: MATH 2206
Title: Introduction to Differential Equations
Professor: Diogo Pinheiro
Platform: MyOpenMath

Calculus for Everyone

Calculus for Everyone: Open Educational Calculus resource created by Professor Miriam Deutch and her team at the Brooklyn College Library and Professors Sandra Kingan, Jeffrey Suzuki, and John Velling.