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*Brooklyn College Created Open Education Resources (OER): Film

Brooklyn College Library Digital Initiatives OER sites

Brooklyn College Film OER

Film Department at Brooklyn College prepares students to become professionals in the motion picture industry. Our rich and diverse programs offer the invaluable experience of hands-on learning and peer collaboration, training students in all aspects of the discipline of the moving image, from the aesthetic to the technical.

Below are Film Department Open Educational Resources (OER) / Zero Textbook Cost courses created by Brooklyn College.  

  • OERs are organized by Course Number
  • Click on homepage image to go to course site

FILM 2120 (Juhasz)

OER homepage.

Course: FILM 2120
Title: The Non-Fiction Film
Instructor: Alex Juhasz
Platform: Blackboard and Libguides

FILM 2201/ TVR A4827 (Danto)

homepage for guide, click to go to guide.

Course: FILM 2201/TVRA 4827
Instructor: Danto

FILM 2701 (Sen-I Yu)

Homepage of guide, click to go to guide.

Course: FILM 2701 Film Editing
Professor: Sen-I Yu
Platform: LibGuides

FILM 3300W (Danto)

guide homepage, click image to go to guide.

Course: FILM 3300W Thesis Film Screenplay
Instructor: Danto

FILM 7032G (Juhasz/McCoy)

guide homepage, click image to go to guide.

Course: FILM 7032G - VHS Activism
Instructor: Juhasz and McCoy

FILM 7032G / PIMA 7020G

go to oer homepage.

Course: PIMA 7020G /FILM7032G 
Title: Artistic Process in Contemporary Film History
Instructors: Alex Juhasz, Jennifer McCoy
Platform: Scalar