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*Brooklyn College Created Open Education Resources (OER): Political Science

Brooklyn College Library Digital Initiatives OER sites

Brooklyn College Political Science OER

The mission of the Political Science Department is to help our students grasp and engage with politics and power at all levels so that they can become critical thinkers and active citizens with the foundation to pursue careers in public life. Our wide course offerings span the range of issues, from classical theory to contemporary policy, and from international organizations to neighborhood grassroots. Through our diverse and challenging curriculum students acquire the research, writing, and reading skills necessary to think and act in the politics that will determine their future course of local, national, and world politics.

Below are POLITICAL SCIENCE Open Educational Resources (OER) / Zero Textbook Cost courses created for Brooklyn College.  

  • OERs are organized by Course Number
  • Click on homepage image to go to course OER site


POLS 1230 (various)

Click to go to oer homepage.

Course: POLS 1230
Title: People, Power and Politics
Instructor: Varies
Platform: Wordpress (ac)

POLS 3140 (Estey)

go to OER homepage.

Course: POLS 3140
Title: Urban Government and Politics
Professor: Estey
Platform: Wordpress (ac)