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SPCL 7804 Human Development (Skinner): Reading and Video Bibliography

OER for Professor Jaye Skinner

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Main Readings Bibliography

Additional Readings Bibliography


While the Elizalde-Utnick readings were written with an emphasis on school psychology, the content is meant for all pupil personnel providers (school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers) and other school personnel.

Video Bibliography

  • [psychologyforyou] (May 11, 2009) Classical Conditioning: real-world example [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [xoxoshelbyyxoxo]( Nov 9, 2010) BOBO DOLL EXPERIMENT [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [Geert Stienissen] (Jan 7, 2011) Piaget mountainexperiment.wmv [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [pamelasunshinetv] (Jan 23, 2011) Play: Preschooler and Toddler Building With Blocks (6:30)
  • [Doug Dinero] (Nov 7, 2012) Elana plays with soother (1:06)
  • [Erica Holt] (Aug 24, 2012) Newborn Reflexes (2:12)
  • [indocino1] (May 9, 2009) symbolic play on the phone (0:57)
  • [lfmcnc] (Oct 11, 2006) Toddler Drinks from Dog Bowl (1:00)
  • [Gwenny Lawson] (Apr 21, 2008) Eli being cute at 9 1/2 weeks (0:46)
  • [user-ow2ny6ue8x] (June 4, 2014) The coordination of secondary schemes (0:16)
  • [1to1 Therapy Services] (Sep 16, 2015) Joint Attention – Why it’s important to teach your child to engage and enjoy the company of others [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [Geert Stienissen] (Mar 14, 2011) Rouge test (self-recognition test) [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • Donna Holloran, MSW Parent Educator (n.d) How to deal with aggressive behavior in toddlers (1:52) Retrieved from:
  • [Geert Stienissen] (Jan 7, 2011) Piaget mountainexperiment.wmv [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [Fi3021] (Oct 11, 2008) Piaget - Stage 2 - Preoperational - Lack of Conservation [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [jam248344] (Jan 22, 2013) Kylie External Speech Example [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [sampson729] (Feb 19, 2012) Brody describes himself [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [Jennifer Clark] (Dec 11, 2015) Three year old Ansleigh explains why she cut her hair (1:44) [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [Described and Captioned Media Program] (Nov 24, 2014) Starting Small: Teaching Children Tolerance (Accessible Preview) (3:48) [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [ottilie07] (Jan 23, 2010) Infant Empathy (1:04) [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [TheDailyShare] (Sep 25, 2015) Barbie made me do it! (1:55) Retrieved from:
  • [1to1 Therapy Services] (Sep 16, 2015) Self-Regulation – Tips for teaching your child to remain in a calm state and maintain body control (2:53) [Video File]. Retrieved from
  • [National Geographic] (Dec 18, 2016) Hear Kids' Honest Opinions on Being a Boy or Girl Around the World | National Geographic [Video File]. Retrieved from