Professor: Jaye Skinner
Phone: 718-951-5876
Office: 1107 James Hall
Office hours: Tuesdays 9:40-10:10 p.m. and by appointment
Classroom: 5503 James Hall
Welcome to SPCL 7804X, Human Development
This course represents an in-depth study of multiple factors relevant to human growth and development. Theories of child, adolescent, and family development and transitions across the lifespan in diverse urban school settings will be discussed, giving emphasis to the consideration of social, cultural, and linguistic contexts. Particular attention will be given to the study of gender identity and sexual orientation. This course focuses on the application of lifespan developmental theory in school counseling practice for facilitating optimal development for all students. Issues regarding students with special needs will be discussed.
Each session focuses on a different aspect of development, beginning in infancy and working chronologically towards early adulthood.
The major domains of development that will be covered are cognitive development and social-emotional emotional development, including attachment, self-concept and identity development, and interpersonal relationships.
Go to each session page to see lists of assigned readings for each session, supplemental material, and reflection questions for each set of readings.