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School Psychology, Counseling and Leadership | Library | Other SPCL OER

SPCL 7804X Human Development (Corbin)


Psychosocial development in early  childhood. The emerging self and  socialization. Exploring self-awareness,  self-concepts, and self-regulation.  Parenting styles across cultures. Play  development.

Task List to Prepare for Class Session

Please complete the following PRIOR to our session:

  1. Complete the readings.
    • Text Ch. 4, pp.139-155
  1. Self-Reflect.
    • Consider your own developing self.
    • Describe your parent(s)’ parenting style.
    • Continue gathering data from your early childhood.
    • What were your play behaviors like?
  2. DUE: Midterm Class Participation Self-Assessment.
    • Google Form link is in Blackboard Assignments.

VIDEOS: Self-concept in preschoolers

Citation: [sampson729] (Feb 19, 2012) Brody describes himself [Video File]. Retrieved from

Citation: [Jennifer Clark] (Dec 11, 2015) Three year old Ansleigh explains why she cut her hair (1:44) [Video File]. Retrieved from

Citation: [Described and Captioned Media Program] (Nov 24, 2014) Starting Small: Teaching Children Tolerance (Accessible Preview) (3:48) [Video File]. Retrieved from

VIDEO: Developing empathy

Citation: [ottilie07] (Jan 23, 2010) Infant Empathy (1:04) [Video File]. Retrieved from

VIDEO: Behavioral regulation in the preschool years

Citation: [TheDailyShare] (Sep 25, 2015) Barbie made me do it! (1:55) Retrieved from:

VIDEO: Helping young children to self-regulate

Citation: [1to1 Therapy Services] (Sep 16, 2015) Self-Regulation – Tips for teaching your child to remain in a calm state and maintain body control (2:53) [Video File]. Retrieved from

APPLICATION: Exploring Parenting Style and Attachment

  1. Describe your parents’ parenting style(s)
  2. What about your level of attachment as a child? Securely attached? Anxious ambivalent? Avoidant?
  3. Describe the perfect parenting style in your own point of view.

CACREP Standards Covered by Session

CACREP 3.b.1.; 3.C.1-13;  3.D.1,12; 5.H.15