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School Psychology, Counseling and Leadership | Library | Other SPCL OER

SPCL 7804X Human Development (Corbin)


Supporting development in schools. Factors influencing learning. Nature  meets nurture: The use of behaviorism  in schools. Theory of mind.

Task List to Prepare for Class Session

Please complete the following PRIOR to our session

  1. Complete the readings.

  1. View the films posted on this page.
  2. Self-Reflect.
    • Consider the nature-nurture debate as it relates to the readings.
    • Would you rather have a really good memory or really good metacognition?
    • Describe an example of Pavlovian conditioning that you have seen in your own behavior.
    • Describe an example of operant conditioning in your own behavior.
    • How does the theory of mind apply to you?

Video: Classical Conditioning: real-world example (3:09)

Citation: [psychologyforyou] (May 11, 2009) Classical Conditioning: real-world example [Video File]. Retrieved from

Video: Observing Aggressive Behavior - The BOBO Doll Experiment (2:56)

Citation: [xoxoshelbyyxoxo]( Nov 9, 2010) BOBO DOLL EXPERIMENT [Video File]. Retrieved from

Video: Piaget's Three-mountain experiement (1:30)

Citation: [Geert Stienissen] (Jan 7, 2011) Piaget mountainexperiment.wmv [Video File]. Retrieved from

CACREP Standards Covered by Session

CACREP 3.b.1.; 3.C.1-13;  3.D.1,12; 5.H.15