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School Psychology, Counseling and Leadership | Library | Other SPCL OER

SPCL 7804X Human Development (Corbin)

Welcome to The Course

Welcome to SPCL 7804X, Human Development

  • All the readings and materials that you will need for the course are located on this course website.
    • This course is an Open Educational Resource, meaning all content is free for students, no need to purchase anything..
  • Each session is filled with readings and videos, and students are encouraged to preview the class material prior to each session and then review the material after each class.
  • Note that there are assigned tasks to be completed prior to our first class session. Go to the "Task List to Prepare for Class Session" prior to each session.
  • The learning process is cumulative, with each session integrating the content from earlier sessions. 
  • Explore this website before our first class.

Course Description

Factors relevant to human growth and development. Theories of child, adolescent, and family development  and transitions across the life-span in diverse urban school settings. Consideration of social, cultural, and  linguistic contexts. Study of gender identity and sexual orientation. Focus on application of life-span  developmental theory in school counseling practice for facilitating optimal development for all students.  Attention to issues of students with special needs. Required projects in school or community settings.

How to use this course website (OER)

Each session focuses on a different aspect of development, beginning in infancy and working chronologically towards early adulthood.

The major domains of development that will be covered are cognitive development and social-emotional emotional development, including attachment, self-concept and identity development, and interpersonal relationships.

Go to each session page to see lists of assigned readings for each session, supplemental material, and reflection questions for each set of readings.

  • The reflection questions are meant to facilitate the process of critical self-reflection and inquiry needed to successfully complete the final paper, My Personal Development.