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School Psychology, Counseling and Leadership | Library | Other SPCL OER

SPCL 7804X Human Development (Corbin)


Psychosocial development. Identity  development: Exploring Erikson’s,  Marcia’s, and Phinney’s theories.  Gender and peer relationships. Culturally and linguistically diverse  adolescents in schools.

Task List to Prepare for Class Session

Please complete the following PRIOR to our session:

  1. Complete the readings.
    • Text Ch. 6, pp.233-240
    • Elizalde-Utnick, G., & Guerrero, C.
  1. Self-Reflect.
    • Consider the various domains of your identity development during adolescence.
    • Describe your peer relationships during adolescence.
    • What was your experience in school during adolescence?
  2. DUE: Annotated Bibliography Paper


Consider your identity development.

  1. During adolescence, which areas did you explore and undergo a moratorium?
  2. Which areas did you foreclose during adolescence?
  3. In adulthood, have you gone through a moratorium in areas that you previously foreclosed?
  4. What about your ethnic identity development?

CACREP Standards Covered by Session

CACREP 3.b.1.; 3.C.1-13;  3.D.1,12; 5.H.15