Depending on the presentation schedule, please complete the following PRIOR to our class sessions on December 9 and 16:
1. Review the presentation rubric.
2. Prepare the presentation slides.
- Use PowerPoint, Google Slides, or any other platform.
3. Practice presenting and managing your time.
- The duration of the presentations should be 10-15 minutes. Presenters need to facilitate at least 5 minutes of discussion at the end of the presentations by using prompts.
4. Save your slide presentation as a PDF and upload to Blackboard.
5. Submit Final Class Participation Self-Assessment and Final Peer Evaluation Forms.
Each student will present their cultural immersion experience project and facilitate a discussion with the rest of the class.
Course Evaluation: Your Feedback Is Important!
Students will present their projects and share their experiences. The duration of the presentations should be 10-15 minutes. The presentation should provide: a) a description of the film client and reasons for selecting this client; b) counseling concerns; c) counseling strategies you would utilize in your sessions with this client; d) challenges you would personally encounter with this client; and e) strategies for overcoming those challenges. Presenters also need to facilitate at least 5 minutes of discussion at the end of the presentation by using discussion prompts. The use of a slide presentation is required; the slide presentation should be saved as a PDF file and uploaded to Blackboard on the day of the presentation. Students should review the presentation rubric while planning their presentation.