Please complete the following PRIOR to our class session on October 15 (Tuesday - Conversion Day):
1. Readings/Video
READ the assigned articles and take notes
VIEW the video: 'Weaponizing Whiteness'
Supplemental/Optional Reading: Malott & Schaefle
2. Blackboard Journal #5
Go to Blackboard to the Journal link and post to the 'Responding to Discriminatory Racial Encounters' journal.
3. Prepare for Quiz (RAT#6)
The 5-question multiple-choice quiz will be on the assigned readings and video.
4. Submit Cultural Immersion Experience Paper on Blackboard by Saturday, October 26
Responding to Discriminatory Racial Encounters
Part 1:
Part 2:
In this session we will discuss racial trauma and its cumulative effects. Students will engage in individual and collective racial healing activities, including microinterventions and a mindfulness approach that incorporates racial literacy. Students will also discuss "the talk" and racial socialization practices in families of color.