Please complete the following PRIOR to our class session on December 2:
1. Readings/Videos
READ the assigned articles and take notes
VIEW the videos:
2. Blackboard Journal #12
Go to Blackboard to the Journal link and post to the "Exploring Spirituality & Privilege, Islamophobia, & Anti-Semitism" journal.
3. Prepare for Quiz (RAT#13)
The 5-question multiple-choice quiz will be on the assigned readings and videos.
4. Submit Film Case Conceptualization on Blackboard by Saturday, December 9
In this session we will look at the role of spirituality in counseling, as well as religious privilege and oppression. Intersectional experiences of race, sexuality, gender, and spirituality are highlighted. The experience of ageism in school psychology is introduced. We will discuss counseling strategies that address oppression and work toward increasing psychological freedom.
Students should reflect on each prompt and write their responses in clear language and fully supported with details and examples. The following grading rubric will be used: Journal Rubric.
Part 1: Supporting our clients’ interest in religion and spirituality requires that we explore our own beliefs and attitudes.
1. Were you raised in a religious or spiritual tradition? Do you still practice it? If not, why? If so, have you made any changes?
2. When you have a client from a religious background that is different from yours, how do you (would you) respond?
3. How do (would) you describe your beliefs if a client asks?
4. If you identify as atheist or agnostic how do (would) you respond to a client who asks you about your religious beliefs?
5. How does intersectionality factor into your experiences?
6. Is spirituality an area of privilege for you?
Part 2: Exploring Islamophobia
Read and reflect on the following article: Fam, Hajela, & Henao (2021) -
If you identify as Muslim, think of a time or an instance when you first experienced Islamophobic sentiment. Recall the incident and write about it in detail. What was the circumstance? When did it occur? Who was present? What was said/done? Describe what you remember about how it felt at the time. Reread your description and describe how it feels right now.
If you DO NOT identify as Muslim, think of a time or an instance when you may have said or done something that conveyed Islamophobic sentiment. Recall the incident and write about it in detail. What was the circumstance? When did it occur? Who was present? What was said/done? Describe what you remember about how it felt at the time. Reread your description and describe how it feels right now.
Part 3: Exploring Anti-Semitism
Read and reflect on the following article: Dlin (2023) -
If you identify as Jewish, think of a time or an instance when you first experienced anti-Semitic sentiment. Recall the incident and write about it in detail. What was the circumstance? When did it occur? Who was present? What was said/done? Describe what you remember about how it felt at the time. Reread your description and describe how it feels right now.
If you DO NOT identify as Jewish, think of a time or an instance when you may have said or done something that conveyed anti-Semitic sentiment. Recall the incident and write about it in detail. What was the circumstance? When did it occur? Who was present? What was said/done? Describe what you remember about how it felt at the time. Reread your description and describe how it feels right now.