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SPCL 7900 Theories of Human Development: ANTI-RACISM PRACTICE ARTICLES

Open Educational Resource (OER) created for Professor Elizalde-Utnick's SPCL 7900 course.


Students, working in pairs, select an article (published 2010-2020, preferably in the last five years) that ties into an assigned session topic and addresses systemic oppression in some form (e.g., overrepresentation of students of color in special education) and anti-racist advocacy and practice.

Students will sign up (google form will be provided) for a class session and will select an article based on that session’s topics. Two weeks prior to the assigned session, students will email the article (pdf link) with three discussion questions to Prof. Elizalde-Utnick who will approve the article and then post it on the OER website for all of the students to read. The designated student pair will facilitate a discussion with the class during the assigned class session.