Please complete the following PRIOR to our Zoom session on September 15:
1. Readings
READ the assigned readings (DT 5&6).
2. Videos & Application Activity
VIEW the videos on attachment, pre-linguistic development, and Piaget's sensorimotor substages.
COMPLETE the application activity to test your knowledge of the sensorimotor substages.
3. Prepare for Blackboard Quiz (RAT#3)
The 5-question multiple-choice quiz will be on the assigned readings and videos. This RAT will be made available to you at your designated quiz time (3:40 pm or 6:30 p.m.). Our Zoom session will commence right after the quiz at 4:10 or 7:00 pm, depending on your course section.
Babbling becomes jargoning just before words appear.
What do you notice in the video?
In this session we will discuss development in infancy, with particular emphasis on attachment, cognitive development, and prelinguistic development. We will discuss the interaction between nature and nurture.
Directions: View the video in each tab (A-F) and determine which of the following sensorimotor stages it represents: