Please complete the following PRIOR to our Zoom session on November 24:
1. Readings
READ the assigned readings (LN 11; anti-racism practice article).
3:40 Section: Mariela & Danielle D.:
Discussion Questions for 3:40 Class:
6:30 Section: Joseph & David:
Discussion Questions for 6:30 Class:
2. Discussion Board
Go to Blackboard to the Discussion Board link and post to the "Session #12" forum.
Write a discussion question based on this week’s assigned readings. Read the questions already posted, and do not repeat a question asked by one of your classmates. Your question should relate directly to an issue discussed in the reading and should require a thoughtful response.
A. Post your question.
B. Read the questions posted by your classmates and respond to at least three of them.
C. Respond to every student who responds to you. Do this in your own thread as well as the other threads you are participating in.
D. Continue participating in the threads until the module is over.
Note: If other students are not selecting your thread to participate in, perhaps it is because your question is too complex, confusing, or uninteresting. In this case, substitute another question.
3. Video
VIEW the video on pre-colonial genders.
4. Prepare for Blackboard Quiz (RAT#11)
The 5-question multiple-choice quiz will be on the LN 11 readings and videos. This RAT will be made available to you at your designated quiz time (3:40 pm or 6:30 p.m.). Our Zoom session will commence right after the quiz at 4:10 or 7:00 pm, depending on your course section.
In this session we will dig deeper into identity development and focus on gender identity development and sexual orientation. We will also discuss the anti-racism practice article.