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HNSC 4230 Community Nutrition Education

Professor Siegel OER

Course Description

Knowledge of education theories, health behaviors, human and group dynamics, and public policy in dietetics. Application of the principles of nutrition as they relate to the problems of different community groups at the local, national, and international level using nutritional assessment, program planning, education, and program evaluation techniques. Introduction to the public health approach to nutrition. Supervised field observations to study nutrition services in varied communities.

Course Objectives

Upon the completion of the course, students should be able to:

  • Describe a variety of community and public health nutrition programs and career opportunities for nutrition professionals in these settings
  • Discuss the connection between nutrition issues in vulnerable population and social, cultural, economic, ecological and health factors.
  • Apply research skills to design an evidence-based nutrition education plan.

Core Knowledge Requirements (KRDNs): This course contributes to the ACEND learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate effective and professional oral and written communication and documentation (KRDN 2.1)
  • Assess the impact of a public policy position on nutrition and dietetics practice (KRDN 2.3)
  • Discuss the impact of health care policy and different health care delivery systems on food and nutrition services (KRDN 2.4)
  • Demonstrate Cultural Humility, awareness of personal biases, an understanding of cultural differences as they contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion (KRDN 2.6)
  • Describe contributing factors to health inequity in nutrition and dietetics including structural bias, social inequities, health disparities and discrimination (KRDN 2.7)
  • Develop an educational session or program/educational strategy for a target (KRDN 3.2)
  • Demonstrate counseling and education methods to facilitate behavior change and enhance wellness for diverse individuals and groups (KRDN 3.3)

Course Expectations

You are expected to attend all classes, arrive on time, and stay for the entire duration of the class. If you are unable to attend or need to leave early, please notify the instructor in advance. You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner, showing your classmates, the instructor, and community partners the appropriate respect. This includes, but is not limited to refraining from using phones and other devices for non-class related applications (texting, games, social media, etc.), eating and drinking in a disruptive manner, and coming to class unprepared. Make sure to complete the readings BEFORE coming to class. The class lecture will assume that students read the material before attending.  Complete assignments on time. Due dates and delivery method are specified on the syllabus or in the assignment documentation. Please plan accordingly. Late submissions will be penalized.

No make-up exams will be given unless a valid excuse is provided (may require documentation and advanced notice). There will be no opportunities to revise and resubmit assignments. Please follow the University’s code of conduct - Cheating, plagiarism or dishonesty will NOT be tolerated. 

This is a 4 credit course and you are expected to spend at a minimum 8 hours per week studying for the course. You are expected to structure your time and keep track of deadlines. MAKE A PLAN to ensure you keep on track with weekly activities, readings, and assignments. There will be no “technological issues” extensions nor exceptions. Assignments are due via Blackboard and you are strongly encouraged to submit well before the deadline, to avoid technological glitches.

Required Fieldwork (30+ hours)

This course includes a fieldwork requirement (30+ hours) in a community nutrition setting, including, but not limited to: community-based organizations, schools, food pantries, WIC centers, SNAP enrollment, health clinics, etc. Some examples that are NOT eligible for this assignment are: restaurant/catering work, retail stores, non-nutrition related for-profit companies, and strictly clinical nutrition related jobs. Prior work or volunteering may be accepted in extremely rare circumstances, but is subject to restrictions and approval by the professor. Ideally, fieldwork placements should provide students with experience in planning and/or conducting nutrition education. Students are responsible for finding their own placement and it is subject to approval.

NOTE: Considerations, re: COVID-19: The 30+ hours of fieldwork requirement is subject to change. Remote fieldwork will be accepted, and as with in-person fieldwork, requires approval. Examples may include virtual nutrition education, assisting in nutrition social media campaigns, and other similar opportunities. Students choosing in-person opportunities need to take all needed precautions, follow the organization’s COVID-19 policies and procedures, and take on such opportunities at their own risk

Important Course Policies

  • Excused absences (see above) will not be penalized. Habitual and unexcused absences will affect your participation grade.
  • Blackboard Bb logo. Blackboard communication: Occasional class messages will be sent via Blackboard. You are responsible to ensuring your preferred email is the one used by Blackboard. 
  • E-Mail communication: Please follow professional email etiquette when communicating with the instructor. Include the course number and a relevant subject of email in the subject line (for example: “HNSC 4230, question about readings”). The instructor will respond to emails as soon as possible, within 48 hours, during weekdays.
  • Office hours: The instructor is available to meet with students virtually, as a mutually agreed upon time, Time TBD Please reach out to make an appointment to discuss class material, careers, etc.
  • Students are expected to follow the required format for written assignments, as presented in the assignment descriptions (via Blackboard).
  • All work must include references and in-text citations. Students may select from commonly used styles (AMA, APA), as long as the style is applied correctly.
  • You are encouraged to review the:
    • Brooklyn College Library resource page Cite Your Sources at URL:  and
    • Purdue University's page APA Style Introduction at URL:

The Brooklyn College Center for Learning holds online and in-person tutoring sessions, including to help your writing.

You can email the Brooklyn College Learning Center or call 718-951-5821 the Brooklyn College Learning Center located in 1300 Boylan Hall, for assistance with writing.

  • All assignments are to be submitted via Blackboard Blackboard Bb logo., NOT email.
  • Submit your assignments as Word documents (unless a fillable PDF has been provided).Other formats will not be accepted.
  • SUBMIT ON TIME! Late assignments will be penalized up to 10% of the grade per 24-hour period and may not be accepted after a week. No exceptions, except in the case of illness (and with advanced notice and documentation). The instructor will NOT email you to remind you about assignments or posts. You are responsible for keeping track of the due dates (which you have here already, from day 1! Put them in your calendar!).
  • Students are expected to work in groups as part of the term assignment. You are expected to be a responsible, responsive, and respectful group member. Part of your grade will include a peer group work grade (more details on Blackboard)
  • If issues arise, you are encouraged to resolve within your group. However, if issues persists or if a group member is not being responsive, please reach out to the instructor in a timely manner. 

Tips on Group Work

Your final course grade will be comprised of the following components:

Component Percentage of Grade
Participation 15%
Community Fieldwork 15%
Nutrition Policy Essay 15%
Discussion Forum Reflections 15%
Group Term Assignment 20%
Final Exam 20%
TOTAL 100%

Grades will NOT be curved. There is NO extra credit for assignments or assignment re-submissions. No exceptions.

Numeric Score Letter Grade
97 -100 A+
92 - 96 A
90 - 91 A-
87 - 89 B+
82 - 86 B
80 - 81 B-
77 - 79 C+
72 - 76 C
70 - 71 C-
67 - 69 D+
62 - 66 D
60 - 61 D-
≤59 F


CUNY Policies

Brooklyn College's Diverse Center for Student Disability Services group smiling.

The Brooklyn College Center for Student Disability Services external link. is back to working in-person on campus, though you can still reach out via email and phone. Please email them at for assistance.

Location: 138 Roosevelt Hall
Phone: 718.951.5538
FAX: 718.951.4442
Department Office Hours:

  • Monday: 9 a.m.–4:45 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 9 a.m.–4:45 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 9 a.m.–6:45 p.m.
  • Thursday: 9 a.m.–6:45 p.m.
  • Friday: 9 a.m.–4:45 p.m.

Note: Office hours during summer and winter intersession breaks varies.

Students should inform the professor if they have a disability or any other situation that may require Section 504/ADA accommodations.  The faculty and staff will attempt to work out whatever arrangements are necessary.

Please provide your professor with your course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with your professor as soon as possible to ensure accommodations are met in a timely fashion.

In order to receive academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or who suspect that they might have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell or the Assistant Director, Josephine Patterson or their general email

Center for Student Disability Services (CSDS) Mission:
It is the mission of the Center for Student Disability Services (CSDS) to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to all campus facilities, curricula, and activities. The program’s objective focuses on providing students with reasonable disability-related accommodations and the opportunity to maximize their academic success at Brooklyn College. The goal is to ensure an inclusive environment while maintaining and enhancing the college’s academic excellence by providing students with disabilities the opportunity to achieve their highest possible academic potential.

Academic dishonesty of any type, including cheating and plagiarism, is unacceptable at Brooklyn College. Cheating is any misrepresentation in academic work. Plagiarism is the representation of another person’s work, words, or ideas as your own. Students should consult the Brooklyn College Student Handbook for a fuller, more specific discussion of related academic integrity standards.

Academic dishonesty is punishable by failure of the “…test, examination, term paper or other assignment on which cheating occurred” (Faculty Council, May 18, 1954).

In addition, disciplinary proceedings in cases of academic dishonesty may result in penalties of admonition, warning, censure, disciplinary probation, restitution, suspension, expulsion, complaint to civil authorities, or ejection (Adopted by Policy Council, May 8, 1991).

NOTE: If you have a question about how to cite correctly ask your teacher BEFORE submitting your work.

  • The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism.
  • Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both.
  • View complete text of CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and Brooklyn College procedure for policy implementation.
  • If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member must report the violation.
  • Please read the section entitled “Academic Regulations and Procedures” in the Brooklyn College Undergraduate Bulletin or Graduate Bulletin for a complete listing of academic regulations of the College.

Bereavement Policy:

  • Students who experience the death of a loved one must contact the Division of Student Affairs, 2113 Boylan Hall, if they wish to implement either the Standard Bereavement Procedure or the Leave of Absence Bereavement Procedure. The Division of Student Affairs has the right to request a document that verifies the death (e.g., a funeral program or death notice). Contact Email:
  • Typically, this death involves that of a family member, in parallel to the bereavement policy for faculty and staff. However, it is up to the discretion of the Division of Student Affairs to determine if a death outside of the immediate family warrants implementation of the student bereavement policy.
  •  As an option, and in consultation with the Division of Student Affairs, students may take the Leave of Absence Bereavement after the Standard Bereavement.
  • Reference to the Student Bereavement Policies will be noted on course syllabi.
  • Students requesting a religious accommodation should contact the Division of Student Affairs as well. The chief student affairs officer, or a designee, and the student will engage in an interactive process with the goal of finding an acceptable accommodation.

Bereavement Procedure:

  • Upon approval from the Division of Student Affairs, the student is allowed one week, commencing from the day of notification to the Division of Student Affairs, of excused absence.
  • Should the student feel that he/she needs additional days, these should be discussed with individual course instructors and/or the Division of Student Affairs.
  • The Division of Student Affairs will contact the student’s faculty and academic staff of the student’s courses.
  • Faculty and academic staff will be advised that extensions must be granted to the student for the period of one week of excused absence.
  • Further extensions may be negotiated with the student when he or she returns to campus.
  • Students are encouraged to discuss options with their instructors.

Leave of Absence Bereavement Procedure:

  • Students may be allowed to withdraw from the semester in which the death occurs.
  • The Bereavement Leave of Absence is for one semester only.
  • Students who have opted to take the Bereavement Leave of Absence and have already attended classes for the semester of the leave will be allowed to re-enter the following semester without having to reapply to the college.
  • Students who wish to take the leave of absence prior to the beginning of the semester will be required to reapply for the following semester.
  • Students who are in good academic standing will be given the opportunity to successfully complete the credits for the semester in which they return.
  • Students will consult with the Division of Student Affairs, on a case-by-case basis, as to whether they should withdraw from their courses during this leave of absence or to request incompletes from the faculty member.
  •  Given that there may be a potential impact on financial aid, students who receive financial aid and who take the Bereavement Leave of Absence, upon arrangement with the Division of Student Affairs, will meet with a financial aid adviser prior to taking this option.
  • The New York State Education Law provides that no student shall be expelled or refused admission to an institution of higher education because he or she is unable to attend classes or participate in examinations or study or work requirements on any particular day or days because of religious beliefs.
  • Students who are unable to attend classes on a particular day or days because of religious beliefs will be excused from any examination or study or work requirements.
  • Faculty must make good-faith efforts to provide students absent from class because of religious beliefs equivalent opportunities to make up the work missed; no additional fees may be charged for this consideration.
  • If classes, examinations, or study or work requirements occur on Friday after 4 p.m. or on Saturday, similar or makeup classes, examinations, or study or work requirements will be made available on other days, where possible and practical.
  • The faculty and the administration will not allow any adverse or prejudicial effects to accrue to students availing themselves of this regulation.
  • If students have complaints about the application of this policy, they are entitled to bring action or a proceeding for enforcement of their rights in the Supreme Court of Kings County