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HNSC Undergraduate | HNSC Graduate | Library

HNSC 4230 Community Nutrition Education

Professor Siegel OER

Description-Group Term assignment

Group Term assignment (KRDNs 2.1, 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3) [20%]: Working in randomly assigned groups, students will work together to design an evidence-based nutrition education program, based on an assigned population and program goal. The assignment will be developed throughout the semester, with drafts handed in periodically for feedback. A detailed assignment description is posted on Blackboard. Groups will be assigned by the end of Week 2.

Due Dates:

  • Draft for feedback of #1 – 4 due on 3/5/23
  • Draft for feedback of #5 – 10 due on 4/2/23
  • Final draft due 12/9/22 – 4/30/23