Tuesday, Sept. 10;
Discussion Questions:
Thursday, Sept. 12:
Discussion Board DB#2 due on Thursday, Sept. 12, before class.
Write a paragraph or two (300-350 words, 1 page) about an occasion, object (toy, book, music, film, event, etc.), picture, memory, individual that acts as a defining moment of your childhood. Please be specific about your age, ethnicity, race, gender, location (which city, country), time period (tentative year), members involved; description of the object, event, and any other factor that was important for that moment.
You will share the above information with the class to explore how our childhood experiences are determined by age, location, region, context, gender, ethnicity, religion, relationships, and other specific conditions.
Unless otherwise noted this Open Educational Resource (OER)HIST 3320: The History of Childhood was created and curated by Professor Swapna Banerjee and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (Some documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader. )
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