Thursday, Sept. 5: Locating Childhood in History and Exploring Sources:
DB#1 Introductory essay due on Thursday, Sept. 5, before class.
Write an Essay (300-350 words) introducing yourself, stating your interests, goals, and where you are now in this changing time in history.
Include your background, major, year, and why you are interested in the course.
What are you expecting to learn in this course? Is there any topic you want to pursue beyond the syllabus? Feel free to engage in a conversation with one another. Please do not share any confidential information that are not appropriate for a public forum.
Unless otherwise noted this Open Educational Resource (OER)HIST 3320: The History of Childhood was created and curated by Professor Swapna Banerjee and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (Some documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader. )
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