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History Dept | Brooklyn College Library

HIST 3320: The History of Childhood

An OER for Prof. Swapna Banerjee

Unit 13 Readings and Assignments Fall 2024

Week 13: Brainstorming Final Paper Topic

Tuesday, Nov. 19: Brainstorm Final Paper topic (Assignment to be uploaded on BB)

  • Identify at least one primary and two to four secondary sources for writing a paper on children and childhood in a specific geopolitical context and time. Cite the sources with full bibliographic citation and explain their significance for your paper. (You can choose from primary and secondary sources listed on the syllabus).  I will share instructions before the assignment is due. 

Book Event: Attend Professor Banerjee’s Conversation with Professors Gyan Pandey and Ren Pepitone, 2:15-3:30 pm (earn bonus point)

Thursday, Nov. 21: The State of Modern Children 

  • Stearns, Ch. 9, “Childhood in the Affluent Societies”
  • Stearns, Ch. 10, “Children in the Developing Worlds.”
  • Recommended: A Frontline Documentary Poor Kids in America

Discussion Questions: 

  • Is Stearns’ description of the state of modern children in affluent and developing societies convincing to you? What are the strengths and weaknesses of his analysis? 
  • How would you remedy Stearns’ shortcomings in your method of analysis? 
  • What is eugenics? How has eugenics been connected to national and social identity of children and women? Draw examples from post-revolutionary Mexico and colonial India.