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History Dept | Brooklyn College Library

HIST 3320: The History of Childhood

An OER for Prof. Swapna Banerjee

Introductory Readings

Childhood in History

A Brief History of the History of Childhood

Primary Sources:

Childhood in Agricultural Societies

Week 4: Childhood in Agricultural Societies and in the Classical Civilization

Tuesday, Sept. 17:

Thursday, Sept. 19:  Study and Discussion of Primary Sources

             Objects: ​​​​​​​

Classical Childhood

Tuesday Sept. 24

Readings 9/26

Debating Centuries of Childhood


Postclassical, Medieval, Early Modern Childhood

Required Reading

Primary Sources

Recommended Reading

Locke, Wollstonecraft, Eighteenth Century Childhood

Required Reading

Tuesday Oct. 8

Primary Sources

Required Reading

Thursday Oct. 10

Primary Sources

Recommended Reading

The Victorian Child


[Bev A] (n.d) The Children Who Built Victorian Britain Part 1 [Video File]. Retrieved from

The Many Worlds of the Indian Child


[Aashirya Studios] (2020, Jul. 6) pather panchali|Full COLOR movie|পথের পাঁচালী| Satyajit Ray|Subir Banerjee| Kanu [Video File]. Retrieved from

Gender, Race, Class, and Ethnicity in Childhood

Native American Childhood

The State and the Child

Recuperating Children: Age and Voice

Japan and China: Modern Childhood Across the World

Primary Sources

Childhood and War

Globalization and Childhood

Childhood in the Margins


  • Oishik Sircar and Debolina Datta, “Beyond Compassion: Children of Sex Workers in Kolkata’s Sonagachhi,” Childhood 18, No. 3 (2011): 333-349.
  • Gilda Charrier, Edna Hernandez Gonzales and Jean-Marc Serme, “Childhoods and Inequalities in America” in IdeAs. Idées d'Amériques, Issue 22, 2023
  • Film: Born into Brothels: Calcutta’s Red Light Kids. Director Zana Briski. 2004 Documentary

The World of Non-Kin and Traveling Caregivers

  • Visit the Exhibition Transcolonial Journeys of Indian and Chinese Caregivers

  • Swapna Banerjee, “Blurring boundaries, Distant companions: Non-kin Female Caregivers for Children in Colonial India (Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries). Paedagogica Historica 2010;46(6): 775-88. doi: 10.1080/00309230.2010.526345. PMID: 21280398.
  • Film Roma (2018). Director Alfonso Cuarón


  • Satya Shikha Chakraborty, “Mammies, Ayahs, Baboes: Postcards of Racialized Nursemaids from the early Twentieth Centuries,” Visual Culture and Gender, Vol. 13, 2018.

  • Swapna Banerjee, “Down Memory Lane: Representations of Domestic Workers in Middle-Class Personal Narratives of Colonial Bengal,” Journal of Social History, 2004, 37(3): 681-708