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CHEM 1007- Chemistry in the Kitchen for Sustainability (Juszczak): Syllabus and Course Documents

OER alternative textbook for Chemistry 1007 providing the basic understanding of chemistry and physical processes in the context of food chemistry, metabolism and cooking.

Syllabus Chemistry 1007


Professor Laura JuszczakProfessor Laura J. Juszczak
Department of Chemistry
Brooklyn College
3119 Ingersol Hall
Phone: 718 951-5000 ext. 1426
Email: LJuzak @

Office Hours:

2:00 – 5:00pm Tuesday
2:00 – 5:00pm Thursday
or by appointment (email first).


Course Goals and Learning Objectives

The goal of this course is to give the student a basic understanding of chemistry and physical processes in the context of food chemistry, metabolism and cooking. The course also necessarily makes connections to the future sustainability of food and water. We aim to prepare the student for the increasingly urgent and complex national dialogue on the interrelated topics of global climate change, energy, pollution, extinction and the food supply. The specific objectives of this course are to provide the student with the basic vocabulary of chemistry, and a basic understanding of the experimental process as it relates to food chemistry and cooking.

Required Texts:

Chemistry in context book coverChemistry in ContextApplying chemistry to society 8th ed. Paperback or ebook).
Middlecamp, Catherine. American Chemical Society. (2015).

You will need access to Connect, the online study and homework website, in either case, but note that purchasing Connect alone (ISBN: 007352297x) gives you access to the online ebook.
The access code is also provided with purchase of a new hardcopy textbook.
There is a two-week free access to Connect at the beginning of the semester. Instructions for registering for your section are provided on the course Blackboard website.


Green book cover
Experiments for Core Chemistry

by Laura Juszczak (ISBN 9781524913670 Kendall Hunt Publishing Company).




Also required:
A small combination or key lock to secure lab supplies in the lab desk cabinet.



Class organization

Class organization

The order of the class reading material from Chemistry in Context and is given below. However, the instructor reserves the right to make adjustments when necessary. Problem sets are also assigned, and these are completed online at the McGraw-Hill Connect website. The reading material assignments from The Kitchen as Laboratory, The Disappearing Spoon, and Culinary Reactions are available on the course Blackboard site.

Unit 0

  • Sustainability, renewable and nonrenewable resources 0.1 -.3
  • Footprints: ecological, carbon, water, air – how our food choices impact these 0.5; Chapter 1: Intro

Unit 1

  • Necessary basics: classification of matter, the Periodic Table 1.1, 1.6- .7
  • Naming compounds; combustion 1.8 – 1.9, .10 (pp. 39 -40 only)
  • The Disappearing Spoon: Geography is Destiny pp 11-18, 24-31; pdf)

Unit 2

  • Atomic structure, periodicity, molecules and models 2.2 – .3
  • Light and color; biological effects of UV radiation: mitigation by micronutrients 2.4 & .7

Unit 3

  • The unique properties of water; hydrogen bonding Intro, 5.1 – .2
  • Potable water; future water sources, influence on food availability 5.3 – .4
  • Aqueous solutions, solutes, ionic compounds, naming ionic compounds 5.5-.7
  • Solubility of Ionic Compounds 5.8
  • Kitchen as Lab: Chapter 4 Spherification: Faux Caviar and Skinless Ravioli (pdf)
  • Covalent compounds and solutions, water purification 5.9, .11, pp. 237 -38
  • Kitchen as Lab: Chapter 12 Scandinavian “Sushi” (pdf)


After completion of Chapter 5.
APPROXIMATE DATE: 3/22 – in class

Unit 4

  • What is an acid? What is a base? Intro, 6.1 - .2 Neutralization, introducing pH 6.3 - .4
  • Culinary Reactions: Chapter 12, Acids and Bases (pp 187-196; pdf)
  • The nitrogen cycle: source of amino acids for proteins, 6.9

Unit 5

  • Natural polymers, addition polymerization 9.2 – 9.3 Condensation polymerization; polyamides 9.6 -.7
  • Kitchen as Lab: Chapter 5 Designing a Sustainable Stretchy Ice Cream (pdf)

Unit 6

  • Trans vs. cis fats; interesterification 11.3
  • Culinary Reactions: Chapter 5, Oils and Fats, (pp 79-81, 84-93)
  • Carbohydrates and sugars 11.5 - .6
  • Proteins 11.7
  • Kitchen as Lab: Chapter 13 Maximizing Food Flavor: the Maillard Reaction
  • Vitamins and Minerals 11.8
  • Metabolism: energy from food; diet (quality vs. quantity 11.9 - .10
  • Locavorism; flexitarian, vegetarian, vegan 11.11 -.12

Unit 7

  • The structure of deoxyribonucleic acid 12.2 - .3 DNA: the code for proteins 12.4 - .5
  • Genetic Engineering 12.6 -.8


5/25: (Thursday)
8:30am - 10:00am
Whitman Hall auditorium (bring pencils)

Course Requirements and Grading

Course Requirements and Grading

The final grade for the course is based on a score, which is the sum of the scores received for the following: The grade breakdown is as follows:

30% lab grade 1
15% online problem sets (graded)
25% midterm exam
30% final exam grade


Questions from the lab experiments may be included in both the midterm and final exam. 
Calculators or use of other electronic devices are not necessary nor are they allowed during exams but you will need pencils.

The final exam for is scheduled for Thursday, November 25, 2018 from 8:30am – 10:00am in Whitman Hall auditorium.

  • The final exam will focus on material from the second half of the course but not exclude material from the first half.
  • Questions related to lab experiments may also appear on exams. 
  • Bring pencils
  • Be sure to arrive on time. 
  • Exams will not be available after the first student leaves OR after 9:00 am (whichever comes first).

It is the student’s responsibility to note the midterm and final exam time, place and date at the beginning of the semester, and to be sure not to schedule other activities during this time.

There is no make-up mid-term exam. If the midterm exam is missed, the final exam will be count towards both the midterm and final exam grade points.

Course work cannot be completed independent of the lab work. 
NO credit is earned for coursework without completion of the lab assignments.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations, students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell, at 718-951- 5538. If you have already registered with the Center for Student Disability Services, please provide your professor with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with him/her.

Academic Integrity

The faculty and administration support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism.  Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. Here is the complete text of the "CUNY Academic Integrity Policy" and the Brooklyn College policies for implementing that policy. If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic  integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if  the  student admits the violation, the faculty member must report the violation.

All students should read the 2017-2018 Brooklyn College Bulletin  for a complete listing of academic regulations of the College.

Classroom Etiquette

Eating and cell phone usage is not allowed during lecture. Unnecessary and superfluous movement, talking and other disruptive behavior distracts other students’ attention from the lecture material to which they are entitled. Students who create such disturbances will be asked to leave and/or escorted from the classroom.

The state law regarding non-attendance because of religious beliefs, listed in the 2017-2018 Brooklyn College Bulletin (Undergraduate Programs, pg. 66), will be followed. 

Important Dates

  • February 5: Last day to add a course
  • February 19: Last day to withdraw from a course without a W (non-penalty) grade


Laboratory Schedule

NOTE:  Labs meet EVERY WEEK.

  • Lab meeting 1: Check-in, lab techniques. Intro to Experiment 1.
  • Lab meeting 2 & 3: Examination of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter
  • Lab meeting 4: Energy Powers Physical and Chemical Changes
  • Lab meeting 5: Name that Ion: Qualitative Analysis
  • Lab meeting 6: Accounting for Every Atom: Moles in Chemical Reactions
  • Lab meeting 7: Carbon Dioxide: an All-too-common reaction product
  • Lab meeting 8: Bonding in Molecules: How Electrons control Physical and Chemical Properties
  • Lab meeting 9 & 10: An Experiment in ‘Cleaning’ Water
  • Lab meeting 11: Chromatography: Pigments in a Spinach Leaf
  • Lab meeting 12: Ester Synthesis: An Experiment that Smells Good
  • Lab meeting 13: Building Molecules with Models Lab meeting 14: Check-out

Lab Attendance, Lab Reports and Grades

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each lab class.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor of her/his presence.

Students are expected to come to lab ON TIME and be prepared by having read and understood the lab procedure BEFORE carrying out the work in class.


Each of the 10 lab report sheets must be handed in at the laboratory class meeting one week following the completion of the experiment. Lab report sheets are expected to be stapled together, and the student’s and lab instructor’s name must appear on each sheet. 10 points are awarded for each lab report. Point assignment is at the discretion of the lab instructor, but no less than 4 points shall be awarded for completion of the lab work

Instructors deduct 3 points for each week the lab report is handed in late.

Labs missed due to illness must be made up by attending alternate lab sessions with permission of the lab instructor, arranged through the General Chemistry stockroom technicians, Ms. Grace Kosiorek or Dr. Olga Berezovska (248 IE).

Documentation of illness must be presented to the stockroom technician.

Labs so completed must be accompanied by a signed lab form, obtained from the stockroom technician.

This form is to be returned to the student’s assigned lab instructor. Experiments not completed will result in a grade of zero for that experiment. LAB ATTENDANCE IS NOT OPTIONAL. Students will receive the grade of F for the course if more than TWO LABS are MISSED  and NOT made up.  Missed labs MUST be made up WITHIN 2 WEEKS of the experiment assignment. Lab make-ups are subject to lab space availability.

Students are to work individually in the laboratory unless specifically told otherwise. Students are expected to actively participate in the collection of all data. ‘Sharing’ of results without actual participation in collection of those results constitutes cheating; no credit will be given for that lab.

New York State law that safety goggles must be worn at all times by all students in the laboratory. Goggles are provided as part of the lab equipment rental fee. Students who consistently refuse to properly wear safety goggles during the lab period; will be dismissed from the laboratory. Students so dismissed will not have the opportunity to make up missed lab work. It is the student’s responsibility to bring her/his goggles to each lab session. If the student completes their lab work before the end of the session, students MUST continue to wear their goggles until they have exited the lab

Eating and drinking are also not permitted during lab sessions. Students may also be dismissed for violation of this safety rule

Pregnant students are encouraged to defer taking Chemistry 1007 as the lab is an integral part of the course.

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