This course is an advanced multicultural counseling course that continues the process of multicultural competence and cultural humility development. Specifically, this course explores the psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics of bilingualism, memory, and emotions and how these processes are involved in bilingual counseling. In-person team-based learning methodology is integrated with asynchronous online learning activities to help students analyze real-life case scenarios in the context of the assigned readings. Experiential application activities will be incorporated into class instruction. This course is divided into five modules:
The learning objectives for students are as follows (see syllabus for complete description and assessment criteria):
1. Increase knowledge of the affective dimension of the bilingual experience.
2. Critically reflect on the role of school counselors and school psychologists in their work with bilingual students.
3. Increase knowledge of bilingual counseling.
4. Enhance self-awareness regarding personal linguistic history.
5. Demonstrate improved ability to work productively in a team.
Cheating is any misrepresentation in academic work. Plagiarism is the representation of another person’s work, words, or ideas as your own. It includes submitting a paper previously written for another course. Students should read the complete text of the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity. If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation. Students should be aware that faculty may use plagiarism detection software.
A Note on the Use of AI Tools, such as ChatGPT:
-Brainstorming ideas and organizing thoughts for a project
-Refining research questions
-Exploratory research for a paper
-Grammar/style/expository writing checks
Academic dishonesty in this course is grounds for disciplinary action which may include failure in the assignment and/or class, and dismissal from the program.
Evaluation: Each Assignment’s (Task’s) Percent of Overall Course Grade |
Class Attendance & Participation (20%) |
20% (Midterm 10%; Final 10%) |
-- |
Final Peer Evaluation (5%) |
-- |
5% |
Quizzes (20%) |
iRAT 15% |
tRAT 5% |
Bilingual Interview Paper (20%) | 20% | -- |
Bibliotherapy Assignment (15%) | 15% | -- |
Advanced Counselor Cultural Narrative (20%) |
20% |
-- |
Timely submission of work is an important professional attribute. All assignments are due on the dates indicated on the course calendar (press this link to see course calendar) . Work submitted late will be marked down accordingly at the discretion of the instructor. The only exception is when the student contacts the instructor before the assignment is due, and the instructor agrees to provide an exception to the due date based on the student’s extenuating circumstances. Assignments not submitted on the due date with no advance notice to the instructor will be penalized as specified in the assignment instructions (see individual rubrics). Grades on assignments will be lowered the designated number of points per week/day late. If an assignment is not submitted by the end of the course, an additional five points will be deducted per assignment, on top of the late penalty.
Faculty Council has determined the following policy for Incomplete Grades: A grade of Incomplete (INC) may be given at the discretion of the instructor when 1) a student has satisfactorily completed most, but not all, course requirements, and 2) a student provides to the instructor evidence documenting the extenuating circumstances that prevent the completion of course requirements by the end of the semester. Candidates receive grades of incomplete (INC) only when a situation beyond their control prevents them from completing course work. It is important to note that grades of INC will only be given if the instructor determines the grade is appropriate given the unusual extenuating circumstances and such circumstances are documented by the student. An incomplete grade in a course that is a prerequisite for another course must be cleared before the candidate can enter the next course. Final assignments not submitted on the due date at the end of the semester are given a grade of zero.