Spring 2025
Please read this entire page, as it will orient you to the course, including the teaching and learning methodology used. The syllabus and course calendar are located in the "Welcome to Course" box.
Examination of the psycholinguistics of bilingualism and issues and techniques relevant to providing counseling services to culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. Content and activities of the course are organized to meet the needs of practicing school counselors and school psychologists. Theory and experiential activities.
This course is an advanced multicultural counseling course that continues the process of multicultural competence and cultural humility development. Specifically, this course explores the psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics of bilingualism, memory, and emotions and how these processes are involved in bilingual counseling. In-person team-based learning methodology is integrated with asynchronous online learning activities to help students analyze real-life case scenarios in the context of the assigned readings. Experiential application activities will be incorporated into class instruction.
This course is divided into six modules:
Each session focuses on a different area of the study of the psycholinguistics of bilingualism, thinking, emotions, and counseling. This course is both theoretical and applied, with a heavy emphasis on experiential, self-reflective learning activities. Click on a session link to see assigned readings and supplemental material for each session.
Welcome to SPCL 7823T, Psycholinguistics, Bilingualism, & Counseling in Schools.
All the readings and materials that you will need for the course are located on this website. Any text highlighted in blue is a live link. Each session link is filled with resources, and students are encouraged to preview the class material prior to each session and then review the material after each class. The learning process is cumulative, with each session integrating the content from earlier sessions.
Explore this website, the syllabus and the course calendar before our first class on Monday, January 27th, 2025.
Note that there are assigned tasks to be completed prior to our first class session. Go to the SESSIONS tab to see the Task List prior to each session. The password for some of the readings is posted on Blackboard.
Research shows that taking handwritten notes helps students to retain knowledge; therefore, it is essential that students take handwritten notes during our class sessions. Computers, tablets, and phones can be used to access readings during application activities that directly utilize them. It is also important to be completely present during our sessions, as we are training important counseling skills that are critical in work with clients. Electronic devices pose a distraction, in addition to fostering a lower level of cognitive processing during academic tasks, compared with taking notes by hand. Students who have questions about using technology while in class should discuss that with the instructor.
Your course grades are inputted on Blackboard. But you can use the following link to input your grades on an Excel spreadsheet to see how you are doing in your progress toward your final course total score and grade:
This course will be using aspects of Team-Based Learning (TBL) pedagogy (www.teambasedlearning.org). TBL increases students’ understanding of course concepts by using them to solve authentic, real-world problems and help them develop their workplace learning skills.
TBL courses have a recurring pattern of instruction that is typical of many flipped classrooms. Students prepare before class and then spend the bulk of class time engaging in application activities and solving problems together. Each session has a similar rhythm, opening with the Readiness Assurance Process that prepares the students for the activities that follow, and then moving to Application Activities that explore real-life case scenarios and apply concepts described in the readings.
Credits: TBL in-class activity image is a TBL cartoon from Sibley and Spiridonoff at the Centre for Instructional Support, University of British Columbia.
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Special thanks to the CUNY Office of Academic Affairs, the CUNY Office of Library Services, Brooklyn College Administration and Professor Miriam Deutch, Coordinator, Brooklyn College Open Educational Resources Initiative. Site design and formatting by Colin McDonald, OER Developer.