Please complete the following PRIOR to our class session
1. Complete the readings.
Baker & Wright (2021b)
Krashen & Terrell's Stages of Second Language Acquisition
+ Description of Stages
2. Prepare for Quiz (RAT).
The 5-question multiple-choice quiz will be on the assigned readings.
In this session we will explore later development, or sequential acquisition, of bilingualism. We will look at factors that influence acquisition, such as educational experiences, age, motivation, and attitudes. We will also explore normal processes of second language acquisition, such as the silent period, interference and fossilization, and language loss.
When you verbally interact with others in your life, what language do you use? And what language does the person you speak with use? Consider these questions for your family of origin, the family you live with now (if it isn't your family of origin), significant others, and friends. In class we will discuss how to assess this when we interview clients regarding their language usage and history.
Which factor is likely to have the least amount of influence on second language learning?
A. age of initial exposure
B. learner motivation
C. practice
D. quality of second language input