Create a Class Weblog or a page on your existing site.
This is a link to Ryan's Example Weblog 7741 Page.
Post your Week 1 Lab audio to your personal weblogs, send link to this weblog to the class instructors.
Download link for Class 3 Files
Review the '7741-important_Max_documentation.pdf' found in your class lesson files.
Labs for you to do:
• Use sfrecord~ to make a live recording from your microphone, refer to the class PDF Lessons for more information.
• BEAP: follow the Beap tutorial and use the included Max Patches to make real-time audio effects.
• Do you like BEAP, here is a link to great Max tutorials, in Max 2 we will take a deeper dive!
• Try the togedge and select objects! Use the 'togedge.maxpat' included in the class files. The 'bass.aiff' sound file is triggered when you clap your hands (using headphones!) note: the sound file "bass.aiff" is included in the Max Program. Try this with a short audio sample that you create. Now try it with ‘select.maxpat’ to trigger it each time the threshold is triggered.
Assignment for you to upload to your weblog:
Use Max to create a short (1 min) stereo (2 channel) audio piece. Use the same model that we followed for Assignment 1: ONE pre-existing sound file and ONE live input. You may re-create your first project or do something new.
Post a screen-shot of your final patcher
Post an mp3 recording of this live performance (please use sfrecord~).
Max Messages and Structures PDF (pages 1-14)