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Photo credit: Ryan Holsopple

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PIMA 7741G Interactive Media Programming: Classes 1-4


Class 1 Aug 30, 2021

TOPIC: Course Introduction and Student Introductions
Lesson: Foundations for Creativity


Interactivity and Art: a broad overview of what we will be covering over the next two semesters.

Starting back in 1965 Variations V is a prelude for things to come:

Cage, Cunningham, Van Der Beek (& Moog and Tudor): Variations V
SOFTWAREMax MSP from cycling ’74
Most of these examples are rooted in the use of Max software.
(other software of interest: Isadora, MadMapper, TouchDesigner, Processing, openFrameworks)
Color Tracking with a camera.
Below are two samples of using the color RED painted on hands to create audio effects:
Color Track 1
Color Track 2
Sandro Masai My Body, Your Room - Interactive Art Installation and Dance Performance by Sandro Masai - YouTube
Live Cameras:
Kammer Kammer - Forsythe  (live feed projection) 12. Kammer-Kammer (2000) by William Forsythe.avi - YouTube
More advanced samples:
Hiroaki Umeda
Christian Mio Loclair
Claire Bardainne & Adrien Mondot ( (
Molmol Kuo
Zach Lieberman has a lot of wonderful artworks, have a look at his website:
Here a Kinect is used to control lighting effects in real time (combine this with the Heart Beat monitor!)
Here is another Kinext depth sensor camera based project: Rashad Newsome , Video: watch

Physical Computing involves interactive systems that can sense and respond to the world around them.
Heart Beats are always an interesting way to make physical the unseen as we saw in the Sandro Masai video.
Arduino, the staple platform of Physical Computing
affordable heartrate sensor
Sound artist Dafna Naphtali  uses gesture and voice with wii remote controls and robots:

The hardware and software mirrors of artist Daniel Rozin are clear and entertaining examples of human computer interaction.
In this video, it’s interesting to watch how people interact with the works.

Here, Danny Rozin discusses one of his mirrors from his studio.

For Class 2

Reading: Real Life Magazine Music For Plants. article


Using Audacity and the Freesound Project create a short (1 min) stereo (2 channel) audio piece with one found sample and one live recording.
This piece should be a response to the assigned reading.

Link to Audacity Lab PDF.



Create a Class Weblog or a page on your existing site.

This is a link to Ryan's Example Weblog 7741 Page.

Post your Week 1 Lab audio to your personal weblogs, send link to this weblog to the class instructors.

Class 2: SEPT 13, 2021

TOPIC: Introduction to MAX 8
The artist's toolkit to new media.

Cycling '74 (the Max Website)
Link to Max purchase options. Start by trying max free for 30 days! Register your email address.
Older Versions (Download Max7 (32/64 bit))
Lesson Class 2:
Download/install Max 8
Link to Download Class 2 Files
Installing Max, basic objects, patching, message orders, 7741 file structure, Max Documentation and Help Files

Max Intro and Build-along

Max: 7741G  Lessons Parts A&B

MSP: Intro to playing sound file. First we will work together and then add lesson patchers!

For Class 3

For Class 3
Readings and Materials included with lesson files

Pages 1-8 of Juan P. Bello's ‘max-fundamentals.pdf’

Tom Igoe's Making Interactive Art: “set-the-stage-shutup-and-listen.pdf”
7741-class2-intro-to-max.pdf 7741-class2-play a soundfile.pdf
7741-hello-world.mp4 -a short video introducing the Max Console

7741-message-ordering.mp4 -a short video on the Max Signal Flow

7741-sound-player.mp4  - a short video on how to play audio in Max


Use Max to play your audio sample (mp3,.aiff, .wav) that you made for the Class 1 assignment.
Do a screen capture of your working max patch (for more information on how to do a screen capture video with Quicktime please find the PDF in the lesson files)
Post video of your working Max patch to your weblog. Assignments due by 9/9/2020.

Class 3: SEPT 20,2021

TOPIC: Max and Live Audio

Download link for Class 3 Files

Lesson: The Microphone, Recording & Effects
  • the Max adc~ object and ezdac~ object
  • meter~ object
  • Interactivity and responding to the live microphone
  • Comparator objects: > == <
  • Recording audio: sfrecord~
  • Beap (pre-made audio effects)

For Class 4

Potemkin AI

 Review the '7741-important_Max_documentation.pdf' found in your class lesson files.

Labs for you to do:
    •    Use sfrecord~ to make a live recording from your microphone, refer to the class PDF Lessons for more information.
    •    BEAP: follow the Beap tutorial and use the included Max Patches to make real-time audio effects.
    •    Do you like BEAP, here is a link to great Max tutorials, in Max 2 we will take a deeper dive!
    •    Try the togedge and select objects! Use the 'togedge.maxpat' included in the class files. The 'bass.aiff' sound file is triggered when you clap your hands (using headphones!) note: the sound file  "bass.aiff" is included in the Max Program.  Try this with a short audio sample that you create. Now try it with ‘select.maxpat’ to trigger it each time the threshold is triggered.

Assignment for you to upload to your weblog:
Use Max to create a short (1 min) stereo (2 channel) audio piece. Use the same model that we followed for Assignment 1: ONE pre-existing sound file and ONE live input. You may re-create your first project or do something new.
Post a screen-shot of your final patcher
Post an mp3 recording of this live performance (please use sfrecord~).


Class 4: SEPT 27, 2021

TOPIC: Generating Audio With Max
Lesson: Making Music with Max & Word Problems
Class and Lab Files: Link to Download Class 4 Lesson Files
New Objects:
    •    Loadbang: Patcher Initialization
    •    Select: Logic Control
    •    Key: Human Interfacing
    •    Cycle~ Make an audio wave
Audio Signal Overview 
Word Problems and Work Time


For Class 5


The Max Patcher Inspector

Max Key Mapping

Max Messages and Structures PDF (pages 1-14)


Lab: Do the Word Problems From Class on your own. Repeat as necessary.

Assignment: Make a Keyboard Controlled Sampler! This Patch plays 5 different audio samples using the Q W E R T Keys of your keyboard. Each audio is set to LOOP when played. Pressing the Q W E R T keys Starts and Stops the audio. Volume should be initialized and audio files should be loaded on Patcher Startup.

Advanced: Add your Microphone and a Beap Effect to the Sampler

Please post screen-capture video of you operating your sampler to your weblogs.