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1) Topics and Readings image: Gnostic Gem with Scarab Beetle and Ourobouros. Hematite, H: 1 1/16 x W: 9/16 (2.66 x 1.38 x 0.02 cm), 1st-3rd Century ACE. Walters Museum, Image Wikimedia Commons.
2) Image Gallery: Medea (Beazeley Archive-Attribute!)
3) News: Hand of Sabazius, n.d. British Museum Cat. Bronzes 876, Image: Wikimedia Commons.
4) Image Attributions page: Roman Magic Nails for Cursing. Bronze nail, third-fourth century CE. British Museum, Image: Barbara McManus at VRoma.
Gallery Egypt
Gallery: Greece
1) Wicked Witches of the West: Reading: Attribute!
2) Wicked Witches of the West: Review sheet 1: Attribute!
3) Roman Gothic: Reading (Attribute!)
4) Roman Gothic: Review sheet 2 (Attribute!)
5) Magi From the East: Reading: (Attribute!)
6) Magi From the East: Review Sheet 3: Adoration of the Magi, Panel from a Roman Sarcophagus, From the Cemetery of St. Agnes in Rome. Marble relief sculpture, 4th century CE. Vatican Museum (Museo Pio Christiano), Image Wikimedia Commons.
7) Magic Spells: Reading: Macedonian. Glycon Snake, Macedonian Divinity. Sculpture, 3rd century CE. National Museum of History and Archaeology, Constanta, Romania; Image, Wikimedia Commons.
8) Magic Spells: Review Sheet 4: Ouroboros Enclosing a Seated Serapis. On His Head, a Winged Scarab. Green Jasper, 4th century CE. Kelsey Museum 26072, Image at University of Michigan Papyri Site.
9) Just a Touch of Necrophilia: Reading (Attribute!)
10 Just a Touch of Necrophilia: Review Sheet 5 (Attribute!)
1) Initiating the Novice: I: Reading: Amulet With Two-Way Inscription, Depicting the Mummified Egyptian God Osiris in a Boat and Another of Harpocrates, the Greek God of Silence, 5th century CE. Image: Huffington Post.
2) Initiating the Novice: I: Review Sheet 6: Fragment of a Cairo Geniza Papyrus in Hebrew. Papyrus, 6th century CE. Cambridge University Digital Library, Add.2586.
3) Initiating the Novice II, What is Ancient Magic: Reading (Smith) : Ancient Greek. Apparition of the Dioscuri at a Banquet. Marble, Height: 63.5 cm (25 in). Width: 40.5 cm (15.9 in)., 2BC. Louvre Museum, Denon Wing. Image: Wikimedia Commons.
4) Initiating the Novice: II: What is Ancient Magic: Reading (Graf): Neo-Assyrian. Wall Relief of Eagle-headed/Winged Man, Apkallu (Sage), 865 BCE. British Museum, Image: Wikimedia Commons.
5) Initiating the Novice: II: What is Ancient Magic: Review Sheet 7: Publicity Photograph for on-Line Exhibit of Geniza Papyrus. Papyrus, n.d. Cambridge Digital Library.
1) The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ritual Power: The "Ins and Outs" of Practicing Magic: Reading (Betz): Illustration of a Hermes Trismegistus from the Preisendanz’ Papyri Graecae Magicae. Papyrus, 5th century CE. Heidelberg Digital Library.
1) Who's Who in Hellenic Magic: Recovering Greek Sorcerers: Reading (Graf): Neo-Assyrian. Wall Relief of Eagle-headed/Winged Man, Apkallu (Sage), 865 BCE. British Museum, Image: Wikimedia Commons.
2) Who's Who in Hellenic Magic: Recovering Greek Sorcerers: Review Sheet 8: Detail of Wolfman from Strange people, from the Nuremburg Chronicle. Incunabula, 1493. University of Cambridge Digital Library.
3) Harrius Potter and the Twelve Tables: Distinguishing Roman Magicians: Reading: Detail, Image of Canidia whipping the Poet, from Quinti Horatii Flacci epodon liber. Book, 1517. E-Rara University Library of Basel, Switzerland.
4) Harrius Potter and the Twelve Tables: Distinguishing Roman Magicians: Review Sheet 9: Roman Intaglio of a Hecataion. Hematite, 2.5 cm., 1st-3rd century CE. Image at E-tiquities, sold from collection of J.-A. Mariaud de Serres, Paris, France.
5) Putting the Foreign in Foreigner: Persian, Babylonian, and Egyptian Magicians: Reading: John Hamilton Mortimer. Detail from “Sextus Pompeius Consulting Erichtho before the Battle of Pharsalia.” Oil on canvas, 23 x 18¼ in. (58.4 x 46.4 cm.), 1771. Private Collection, Image in Wikimedia Commons.
6)Socializing with Witches: 1: The Literary Evidence: 2: Reevaluating Ancient Practices: Review Sheet 11
1) I Fought the Law and the Law Won: The Legality of Magic: Reading: Yellow Jasper Intaglio with Scales. Jasper, 2nd century CE. Image in Pinterest.
2) I Fought the Law and the Law Won: The Legality of Magic: Review Sheet 12: Punishment of Tarpeia on Marble Frieze. Marble frieze sculpture, 1BC. Rome, National Museum, Image: Barbara McManus, VRoma.
3) I See Dead People: Necromancy and Graveyards, Review Sheet 13: Detail of Skeleton mosaic from article by Sarah Griffiths, “Cheerful Skeleton Mosaic from Turkey.” Daily Mail, April 22, 2016.