Eros with IunxGilded copper ring with Eros playing with a iunx/iynx (magical wheel on a string). The design on this ring shows Eros crouching to the left, holding the iunx. There is a simple, single ground line. The iynx-wheel (that can mean yearning or craving) is a magic spinning wheel instrument on a string invented by Aphrodite who taught its use to Eros. Its magic was used ‘to attract lovers and call back faithless lovers’. Iynx-wheels and Iynx-wheels and representations of them were used as votive gifts before marriage, during courtship as a lover’s gift or as in this case as grave goods (Böhr 1997, 116-20).
'A iunx consisted of a string with a wheel attached, which span when the string was pulled. It served as a magic love charm, intended to arouse desire.
Found: Naukratis Cemetery, Egypt, 350-300 BCE. British Museum, 1888,0601.1