You can search for streaming video we subscribe to in OneSearch or search within the databases in the list on the right. If you are looking for a particular title that we do not have, please contact your subject librarian.
We recommend only using videos from sites providing proper, ADA-compliant captioning.
Please use care when selecting items from vendors such as those above. Titles offered exclusively through online platforms that sell only to the home market, such as those listed above, are not available via the Brooklyn College Library. These companies only sell and offer subscriptions to individuals, and do not offer an institutional license that provides access via IP address recognition. These are not free services and our students are not expecting to incur additional costs. Because we don’t work directly with these vendors captioning problems and/or technical issues will be hard to address.
Embark on a cinematic journey with Docuseek Complete! Gain unlimited streaming access to captivating documentary films spanning various subjects like environmental studies, sociology, anthropology, global studies, women’s studies, history, political science, criminal justice, health, psychology, the arts, and beyond.
This two-volume collection is a core resource for anthropology courses, featuring ethnographies and documentaries from every continent to illustrate cultural groups and practices. It includes tools for easy classroom integration and supports topics like kinship, gender, and globalization.
A collection of 50 training videos of psychologists and therapists at work, covering a wide range of modalities, populations and therapeutic issues.
The University of Fashion offers fashion professionals and consumers the first ever online fashion design video library, comprised of professionally produced online fashion how-to videos covering the five fashion design disciplines of draping, pattern making, fashion art, sewing and product development.