Course Description: This course will serve as an introduction to reading and writing at the college level.
During our sessions we will practice and perfect strategies for writing expository essays and for engaging with different kinds of texts. The course focuses on methods of organization, analysis, research skills, and the production of short expository essays; readings consider issues of contemporary social and cultural concern. Our time in class will be split between writing, discussion of the readings and of our own writing, and work in groups. Students will focus on the following: reading critically and writing analytically; developing and supporting theses and arguments; summarizing, paraphrasing, and synthesizing information from a variety of sources; structuring persuasive and cohesive essays; incorporating and integrating evidence into their writing using MLA documentation; editing and revising; using appropriate conventions of language, including correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
In this class, you will learn to:
Required Texts:
Assignments and Grading: |
Attendance and Participation: |
10% |
Quizzes and Other Assignments: |
10% |
Essay Assignments: |
50% |
Final Exam: |
20% |
A+ 98-100% A 93-97% A- 90-92% B+ 88-89% B 83-87% B- 80-82%
C+ 78-79% C 73-77% C- 70-72% D+ 68-69% D 63-67% D- 60-62% F <60
PLEASE NOTE: A C- is the lowest possible passing grade for the course. English Department policy dictates that a student with a final grade below a C- will receive an N/C (no credit). An F grade will be given in the case of too many absences or failure to complete assignments. Students receiving an F or an NC grade must retake English 1010; you are allowed to take English 1010 up to three times.
Attendance and Participation: Punctual, regular attendance is a requirement for this class. You are allowed three absences; each subsequent (unexcused) absence lowers your final grade by 1 step (A+ to A, A to A-, A- to B+, etc.). You must be prepared to discuss the reading assignment on the day it is due and to participate in a respectful and lively discussion. Be prepared to read assigned texts closely, share your ideas, and ask questions.
Academic Integrity/Plagiarism: A statement from the department: “The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for policy implementation can be found at If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member must report the violation.”
Although you are allowed, even encouraged, to consult secondary sources to help you understand the assigned works and to generate ideas for papers, you must give credit to these sources and cite them correctly if you use anything from them in your papers or responses. We will devote class time to learning and understanding how to use sources in your writing, how to research and take notes effectively, how to use and cite electronic resources, and how to get help from various writing aids and resources. The following descriptions are designed to help explain plagiarism and its consequences to help you avoid it in your writing for this course:
Insufficient Citation and Undocumented Paraphrasing: Students are expected to cite all written (print and electronic), oral, and visual sources consulted in writing papers. All borrowed ideas—both direct quotations and paraphrasing from another’s work—require accurate citation, and direct quotations require quotation marks. Paraphrase and summarize borrowed ideas to avoid stylistic plagiarism (using the same words and sentence structure as the source).
Patchwriting, or Cutting and Pasting: Cutting and pasting passages from your source into your own paper and turning in the paper as your own is plagiarism. Students are expected to accurately and amply paraphrase borrowed material using their own stylistic features rather than the source’s style and language and cite this material accurately. In addition, students are expected to develop their own framework for their papers rather than borrowing their source’s argument wholesale (even if acknowledged).
False Submissions, Ghostwriting, or Fraud: Students are expected to write their own original papers for each assignment, from development of ideas and research to revision. If students turn in final papers written by someone else (i.e. acquired or bought through the internet, an organization, friends, family members, another student, etc.), the paper will receive an F for the course and face disciplinary action.
If you have any doubt about whether or not you’re plagiarizing, talk with me!
Accessibility and Accommodations: In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations you must first register with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or suspect that they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell at 718-951-5538. If you have already registered with the Center for Student Disability Services, please provide me with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with me.
Non-attendance Because of Religious Beliefs: Brooklyn College’s statement on non-attendance because of religious belief is located on page 66 of the Brooklyn College Undergraduate Bulletin.
Student Bereavement Policy: Brooklyn College’s statement on non-attendance because of bereavement (the death of a loved one) is located here.
Reading Assignments: All readings should be completed by the beginning of the class time indicated. Please bring along a way to access the readings each day in class.
Essay Assignments: All written work will be graded for form (including grammar and spelling!) as well as for content. Students will write the following: a personal narrative (750-1000 words), two summaries (250-500 words each), an argumentative essay (1000-1250 words), an in-class compare and contrast essay, and a take-home compare and contrast essay (1000-1250 words). Students will revise each of these essays. These essays must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font, and formatted with one-inch margins. More information on each essay will be given over the duration of the course. Please note: You are not expected to be an amazing writer right off the bat. You are, however, expected to demonstrate improvement in your writing as the class develops. Numerous revision workshops are planned to help facilitate this improvement.
We will have a smattering of other writing assignments, and perhaps an occasional grammar quiz. More information on these will be given over the duration of the course.
Final Exam: All students must take a final exam that will count for 20% of your class grade. We will discuss the exam in more detail as the course progresses. More information can be found online here.
Important Dates:
Sunday, September 2 |
Last day to add a course |
Wednesday, September 5 |
Conversion day / Last day to file for elective course Pass/Fail |
Sunday, September 16 |
Last day to drop a course without a grade |
Tuesday, November 6 |
Last day to withdraw from course with a W (non-penalty) grade |
NOTE: English 1010 is an Academic Foundations course. Brooklyn College’s policy on withdrawing from English 1010 is as follows:
Students are not permitted at any time to delete, drop, or withdraw from an assigned Academic Foundations course without obtaining permission of the academic department involved and consulting the Center for Academic Advisement and Student Success.
The full academic calendar, including many other important dates and the undergraduate final exam “grid,” are available on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
ENGL 1010
Instructor: Zachary Lloyd
English Dept.
Office: 2311 Boylan Hall
Fall 2018
Hours: 2:05-3:05, or by appointment
Time: MW 12:50 – 2:05pm
Phone: 402-984-8185
Location: 3113 Boylan Hall
Course Schedule:
Note: This schedule is (very) likely subject to change. For now, each day that a reading is listed means that the reading must be completed by class-time on that day.
WEEK 1 Intro and Diagnostic, Freshman Common Reading
8/27 Introduction and Syllabus;
In-class diagnostic writing assignment
8/29 Reading: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah
Close reading and annotation strategies
In-class freewriting workshop
WEEK 2 Freshman Common Reading, Personal Narrative
9/5 CONVERSION DAY (classes follow Monday Schedule)
Reading: Americanah, cont’d
Discussion: Crafting a personal essay
WEEK 3 Personal Narrative, Close Reading, Summary, & Editing
9/12 Reading: Americanah, cont’d
Reading: Frederick Douglass, “Learning to Read and Write”
LOOP Quiz completed
WEEK 4 Personal Narrative & LOOP QUIZ
9/17 Reading: Gloria Anzaldua, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”
Editing and Revising (peer review) workshop
WEEK 5 Argument & Analysis
9/24 Reading: Frederick Douglass, “Learning to Read and Write”
9/26 Reading: Gloria Anzaldua, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”
Short summary #1 (in class)
Discussion: Techniques for analytical writing
WEEK 6 Argument & Analysis
Reading: Errol Morris, “Liar, Liar Pants on Fire”
10/3 Reading: Walter Benjamin, "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction"
Short summary #2 (take home)
WEEK 7 Argument & Analysis
10/10 Reading: Christine Rosen, “The Image Culture”
Reading Response 2 Due
Discussion: Techniques for analytical writing
WEEK 8 Argument & Analysis
10/15 Reading: Lakshmi Chaudhry, “Mirror, Mirror on the Web”
10/17 No Reading Assigned
WEEK 9 Compare & Contrast
10/22 Reading: Nicholas Carr, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"
10/24 Reading: Sherry Turkle, “Growing Up Tethered”
WEEK 10 Compare & Contrast
10/29 Reading:
Reading: “The Braindead Megaphone,” cont’d
WEEK 11 Compare & Contrast
11/5 Readings: Lars Eighner, “On Dumpster Diving,” Colson Whitehead, "City Limits," & Jamaica Kincaid, "The Ugly Tourist" (try to think comparatively - what connections/disconnections can you draw between the three texts?)
WEEK 12 Compare & Contrast
11/12 Watch in class: The Truman Show
11/14 The Truman Show, finished
Discussion: Brainstorm compare/contrast topics
WEEK 13 Compare & Contrast
11/19 In-class activity
WEEK 14 Catch-up & Final Writing Strategies
11/26 Catch-up
11/28 Discussion: "Designer Genes," Bill McKibben (sample final exam article)
WEEK 15 Comparative Essay & Exam Prep
Reading: Carl Elliot, "The Perfect Voice" (article 1 for mock final exam)
12/5 Mock Final Exam (in class)
WEEK 16 Exam Prep
12/10 Mock exam feedback and discussion
Deadline for late assignments/missing work
12/12 Student discussion of final exam essay and closing remarks
Friday, 12/14: Final Exam, 10:30am to 12:30 in James Hall, room 3613