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ENGL 1010: English Composition-Student Version (2018-19 Archive): Gluhaich, Marko

2018-2019 Archive Copy of ENG 1010: English Composition-Student Version

Course Overview, Objectives

Course Objectives

You will learn to read and think critically. You will learn to understand how language operates. Your writing—and speaking—will express ideas correctly, cogently, persuasively, and in conformity with the conventions of the discipline. You will learn research methods and apply this research effectively in your written work. You will learn to analyze writing, to identify the techniques authors use to relate information to their audiences. You will apply these techniques in your own writing.

Course Requirements and Policies

Course Texts

• All course texts can be found online




Personal narrative: 5%

Short summaries: 10%

Analytical essay: 15%

In-class compare and contrast essay: 15%

Take-home compare and contrast essay: 20%

Final exam: 20%

Participation (attendance, reading journals, and attending the LOOP workshop): 15%


NOTE: English Department policy states that a student with a final grade below a C- receive an NC (no credit) or an F. Students receiving an F or an NC must retake English 1010.



Paper Breakdown

Draft 1 draft will be peer edited, and you will be required as part of your paper grade to edit a peer’s paper. Your first draft will also be revised by me. Because revision is a critical part of writing, after I grade each essay, you will revise the essay and hand it in a second time. Your revisions will go beyond simple corrections. They will evaluate and improve your paper.

• Each take-home paper will be broken down as follows (excepting the final paper, more to come on that):

Draft 1: 30%

Peer Edit: 20%

Draft 2: 50%

• For every day that a paper is late, I will lower your grade by one letter. An A becomes a B.

• Essays will be written in 12-point, Times New Roman font. They will be double-spaced, have one-inch margins and numbered pages, and follow MLA formatting guidelines.




• Read the assigned texts and come to class prepared with ideas about the texts.

• At the beginning of each class there will be 7 minutes set aside for free writing about the assigned text for that day. These journals will be collected at random throughout the semester, and will be graded for completion. Missing 3 or these at any given time will result in a grade drop in your participation score (A- to B+, for example).

• Participate in class discussions and volunteer during class activities.

• With your permission, I may use the papers and assignments you write for this class as examples in my lessons or activities.

• Turn off and put away all electronics. If I see a phone or a laptop in class, I’ll mark you late. I will only allow electronics if you have spoken to me in advanced about necessarily using specific devices.




• You may miss three class periods. If you are going to miss class, please let me know as soon as possible. For every three classes you miss, you will be dropped a letter grade. If you foresee missing more than three, please see me ASAP.

• If you’re more than 7 minutes late to class, that counts as an absence. Late twice, that counts as an absence.

• For information regarding Brooklyn College’s Student Bereavement Policy go here:

• For information about the state law regarding non-attendance because of religious belief go to page 66 of this document:




If there is any sign of plagiarism in an assignment for this class, you will fail that assignment and, likely, the entire class. Here’s the official word:


The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for policy implementation can be found at If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member must report the violation.



Center for Student Disability Services

Brooklyn College will accommodate your disabilities, so you can meet your academic goals. Here’s the official word:


In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell at (718) 951-5538. If you have already registered with the Center for Student Disability Services, please provide your professor with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with him/her.



Important Dates for all Brooklyn College


M, Aug. 27       Weekday classes begin

Su, Sept. 2        Last day to add a course

W, Sept. 5        Conversion day (classes follow a Monday schedule); last day to file for elective course Pass/Fail

S, Sept. 8          Weekend classes begin

Su, Sept. 16      Last day to drop a course without a grade

T, Nov. 6          Last day to withdraw from a course with a W (non-penalty) grade

Course Information

English 1010

Fall 2018 • Boylan 4315 • T/Th 8:00am–9:15am

OH: T 9:15am–10:15am or by appt.

Marko Gluhaich •



Readings listed should be read by their corresponding date. Assignments are due on the date they’re listed. Syllabus may be subject to revision.


T, Aug. 28        Syllabus; introduction


Th, Aug 30       Reflection on writing; diagnostic essay


T, Sept. 4          Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah. Personal narrative, draft 1 due.


Th, Sept. 6        Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah.


T, Sept. 11        NO CLASS


Th, Sept. 13      Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, “Real Food.”


T, Sept. 18        NO CLASS.


Th, Sept. 20      Zora Neale Hurston, “How it Feels to Be Colored Me.” Personal narrative, draft 2 due.


T, Sept. 25        Sue-Ellen Case, “Making Butch.”


Th, Sept. 27      Rebecca Solnit, “Men Explain Things to Me.” Short summary 1.


T, Oct. 2           Jamaica Kincaid, “The Ugly Tourist.” Revision of short summary 1 to class.


Th, Oct. 4         Susan Sontag, “Regarding the Pain of Others.” Short summary 2.


T, Oct. 9          Susan Sontag, “Regarding the Pain of Others.”Analytic essay thesis due


Th, Oct. 11      Susan Sontag, “Regarding the Pain of Others.” 


T, Oct. 16         Rachel Carson, “The Obligation to Endure.” Analytic essay outline due


Th, Oct. 18       Edwige Danticat, “Another Country.”


T, Oct. 23         Edwige Danticat, “Another Country.” Analytic essay, draft 1 due.


Th, Oct. 25       David Foster Wallace, “Consider the Lobster.”


T, Oct. 30         David Foster Wallace, “Consider the Lobster.”


Th, Nov. 1        Gloria Anzaldua, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.”


T, Nov. 6          Gloria Anzaldua, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” Analytic essay, draft 2 due.


Th, Nov. 8        Colson Whitehead, “City Limits.”


T, Nov. 13        James Baldwin, “Stranger in the Villa.” In-class compare and contrast essay.


Th, Nov. 15      Teju Cole, “Black Bodies: Rereading James Baldwin’s ‘Stranger in the Village.’”


T, Nov. 20        Teju Cole, “Black Bodies: Rereading James Baldwin’s Stranger in the Village.” Compare and contrast, draft 1 due.


Th, Nov. 22      NO CLASS


T, Nov. 27        James Baldwin, “Notes to a Native Son.”


Th, Nov. 29      James Baldwin, “Notes to a Native Son.”


T, Dec. 4          James Baldwin, “Notes to a Native Son.” Compare and contrast, draft 2 due.


Th, Dec. 6        Finals Review.


T, Dec. 11        Finals Review.


Th, Dec 13       Compare and contrast, draft 3 due in my box.