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Theater: Costume History

OneSearch Tips for Costume History

  • To identify books, ebook chapters, articles and video in OneSearch, useful key terms include: costumecostume designclothing and dress; fashion.  (note that "fashion" will bring up both materials related to clothing styles as well as the fashion industry)
  • It is often useful include geographic locations (country, region or even city) and time frames (often by century or historic era i.e. middle ages or ming dynasty), for example: clothing AND great britain AND 18th century  or  even the term term history, for example: costume and history.
  • Try a more specific searc, for example: shoes AND china AND clothing   or   carnival AND costume,
  • For context try searches for geographic area term plus social life or the specific element of social life you are considering, for example:  caribbean AND social life AND 19th century   or    weddings AND middle ages.

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Costume Research (Video)

This video is a recording of a costume research session led by Prof. Helen Georgas for Prof. Snider-Stein's Fundamentals of Costume Design I (THEA 3321) class. However, it may be useful to anyone doing costume research. The resources covered are all accessible above.