For Print Books in Brooklyn College Library browse the call numbers on the second floor of the library: L - LA (general education and history of education).
Tip 1 Remember to break your topic down into facets. Most library databases do not use natural language searching like Google.
For example if you are interested in immigration and schools you want to think about words that are similar in meaning and alternative word forms.
Immigration (immigrant, migration, immigration status)
Schools (public schools, charter schools, university, college, private schools, etc.)
Tip 2 Truncation: Using the asterisk symbol "*" with a word root like Immigra* will retrieve articles with the words immigrants, immigration.
Tip 3 Phrase Searching is a way of searching that allows you to search a phrase with a text, title, or abstract. If you want to search the phrase; sociology of education, you will need to place it in quotations like "sociology of education." This tells the database that you want articles that has occurrences of this phrase, rather than looking for co-occurances of the words sociology and education.