Bibliography on Gender theory
Gender theory: the gaze, masquerade and drag, the abject and cyborgian feminism will be discussed in class. Pdf’s of the following essays will be emailed to you. When one of these essays is assigned, answer the questions here as best as you can and we will discuss this in class.
Laura Mulvey, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema,1975
What does Mulvey see as the pleasure of looking and why does it need to be destroyed? Why is the gaze important.
Joan Riviere , “Womanliness as a Masquerade” 1929
What is a masquerade for feminist theory? What does construction of identity mean?
Judith Butler, “Imitation and Gender Insubordination,”
What is the performative? How is drag a performance (or masquerade)? Why is this important?
bell hooks, The Oppositional Gaze, Black Female Spectators, l994
What are bell hooks’ main points about black female spectatorship? What is an oppositional gaze?
Julia Kristeva, Approaching Abjection, l982 translated
What is abjection? How does it “destroy the order”?
Donna Haraway, Cyborg Manifesto Why would Haraway rather be a cyborg than a goddess?
Bibliography for your interest
Gita May, Elisabeth Elisabeth Vigee LeBrun the Odyssey of an artist in an age of revolution
Mary Sheriff, the Exceptional woman: Elisabeth Vigee Lebrun and the cultural Politics of Art, l996
Barbara Bloemink, the Art and Life of Florine Stettheimer, Yale, l995
Elizabeth Sussman, Florine Stettheimer: Manhattan Fantastica, 1995
Shiela Clark, The Stettheimer Dollhouse, 2009
Aruna d’Souza and Tom McDonough, The Invisible Flaneuse? Gender, Public Space and Visual culture in Nineteenth-Century Paris, Manchester University Press, 2006
Ruth Iskin, Modern women and Parisian Consumer Culture in Impressionist Paintings, Cambridge University Press, 2007
Catharina von Ankum, Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture, Berkeley, 1997
Ana Mendieta, Fundacio Antonio Tapies, Barcelona, l996
Dore Ashton, Rosa Bonheur: A Life and a Legend, l980
John Berger, Ways of Seeing, New York, l977
Marcia Brennan, Modernism’s Masculine Subjects, MIT, 2004
John E. Bowlt, Amazons of the Avant Garde, New York, 2000.
Norma Broude and Mary Garrard eds, Reclaiming Female Agency, Feminist Art History after Postmodernism, U. of California Press, 2005
___________Feminism and Art History: Questioning the Litany, l983
___________The Expanding Discourse, l992
___________The Power of Feminist Art, l994
Victor Burgin, Formations of Fantasy, Methuen Press, l986
Whitney Chadwick, Women Art and Society, London, 3rd edition 2002
___________Women and the Surrealist Movement, l985
___________Significant Others, Creativity and Intimate Partnership, l993
Judy Chicago, The Dinner Party,l979
Keith Christiansen, Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi, Yale, 2001
Sonia Delaunay, Exhibition Catalogue, Cooper Hewitt Museum, 2011
Helen Cooper, Eva Hesse, A Retrospective, New Haven, l992
Amanda Cruz, Elizabeth Smith, Amelia Jones, Cindy Sherman Retrospective, l997
Magadalena Dabrowski, Luibov Popova, l991
Katy Deepwell ed, Women Artists and Modernism, Manchester, l998
Alicia Foster, Gwen John, Princeton, 1999
Tamar Garb, Bodies of Modernity: Fiction and Flesh in Fin-de-Siecle France (London: Thames and Hudson, l998).
Mary Garrard, Artemisia Gentileschi: The Image of the Female Hero in Italian Baroque Sculpture, Princeton, l988.
Mona Hadler ”Lee Bontecou’s Worldscapes,” in Elizabeth Smith, Lee Bontecou Retrospective, Abrams, 2003
__________”Lee Bontecou: Plastic Fish and Grinning Sawblades,” Women’s Art Journal, Spring, 2007
___________“Lee Bontecou and Drawing: From the Real to the Strange,” Woman’s Art Journal, 35, no 1 (Spring/Summer 2014): 23-32
Hayden Herrera, Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo, l983
Thomas B Hess and Elizabeth Baker, Art and Sexual Politics, Why Have There Been no Great Women Artists? , l971
Renee Hubert, Magnifying Mirrors, Women Surrealism and Partnership, U. of Nebraska Press, l994
Alison Jaggar and Susan Bordo, ed. Gender, Body Knowledge: Feminist Reconstruction of Being and Knowing, l980
Amelia Jones, Sexual Politics: Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party in Feminist Art History, Berkeley, l996
____________Feminism and Visual Culture Reader, Routledge, 2005, second edition 2012
____________Performing the Body, Routledge, l999
___________ Seeing Differently, Routledge, 2012
Janet Kaplan, Unexpected Journey’s: The Art of Remedios Varo, l988
Martha Kearns, Kathe Kollwitz: Woman and Artist, l976
Mary Kelly, Post-Partum Document, London, l983
Maud Lavin, Cut with a Kitchen Knife: The Photomontages of Hannah Hoch, New Haven, l993
Lucy Lippard, Eva Hesse, From the Center, l979
Laurie Lisle, Portrait of an Artists: Georgia O’Keefe, A Biography, New York, l980
Barbara Lynes, O’Keefe, Steiglitz and the Critics, l916-1929, Ann Arbor, l989
Richard Meyer, Outlaw Representation: Censorship and Homosexuality in Twentieth Century American Art, (Oxford University Press), 2002
Cindy Nemser, Art Talk: Conversations with 12 Women Artists, l975
Mignon Nixon, Fantastic Reality, Louise Bourgeois and a Story of Modern Art, MIT, 2005
Linda Nochlin, Women Art and Power, l988
Rozsika Parker, the Subversive Stitch, Routledge, 1984, 2003
Maria Elena Buszek’s Extra/Ordinary : Craft and Contemporary Art, Duke 2011
________________ Pin-Up Grrrls: Feminism, Sexuality and Popular Culture, Duke, 2006
Rozsika Parker and Griselda Pollock, Old Mistresses, Women Art and Ideology, l981
Griselda Pollock, Mary Cassatt, Painter of Modern Women, l998
______________Vision and Difference: Femininity, Feminism and Histories of Art, London, l988.
Abigail Solomon-Godeau, Male Trouble: A Crisis in Representation (London: Thames and Hudson, l997).
Susan Suleiman, The Female Body in Western Culture: Contemporary Perspectives, Cambridge, l986
Elisabeth Sussman, Florine Stettheimer, Manhattan Fantastica, New York, l995
_____________, Eva Hesse Sculpture, Yale, 2006
Sharyn Udall, Carr, O’Keefe, Kahlo, Places of their own, Yale, 2001
Ann Wagner, Three Artists (Three Women): Modernism and the Art of Hesse, Krasner and O’Keefe, Berkeley, l997
Sally Webster, Eve’s daughter/Modern Woman : A Mural by Mary Cassatt, U. of Nebraska Press, 2004
Mari Yoshihara, White Women and American Orientalism, Oxford Press, 2003
Carol Armstrong, Women Artists at the Millennium, MIT Press, 2006
Butler, Wack: Art and the Feminist Revolution, MIT Press, 2006
Kara Walker, My Complement, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My Love, 2007
Gendolyn Shaw, Seeing the Unspeakable: Kara Walker, 2004
Louise Nevelson, Exhibition Catalogue of the Jewish Museum, 2007
Rhea Anastas, Witness to her art: Art and writings of Adrian Piper, Mona Hatoun, Cady Noland, etc. Center for Curatorial Studies, 2006
Okwui Enwezor, Lorna Simpson, 2007
Fereshteh Daftari, Without Boundary, Museum of Modern Art Catalogue, 2006
Fereshteh Daftari, Persia Reframed: Iranian Visions of Modern and Contemporary Art, 2020
Eleanor Heartney, Postmodern Heretics: Catholic Imagination in Contemporary Art.
Beatriz Colomina, Sexuality and Space, Princeton 1992
Feminism and Film, ed. E. Ann Kaplan (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000
Zavala, Becoming Modern, Becoming Tradition: Women, Gender and Representation in Mexican Art, Penn State University Press, 2010
Margaret A. Lindauer, Devouring Frida, the Art History and Popular Celebrity of Frida Kahlo, Wesleyan University Press, 1999
Joanna Herschfield, Mexican cinema, Mexican Women, 1940-1950, U of Arizona Press, 1996
Jean Franco, Plotting Women, Gender and Representation in Mexico, Columbia U Press, 1989
Kimberly Wallace-Sanders, Skin Deep, Spirit Strong: The Black Female Body in American Culture, U of Michigan, 2002
Eva Ungar Grudin, Quilting: the Fabric of Everyday life, 2007
Irene Susan Fort, In Wonderland:: the Surrealist Adventures of Women Artists in Mexico and the United States, 2012 issue on women and surrealism
Elizabeth Grosz, Volatile Bodies,: Toward a Corporate Feminism, Bloomington, 1994
Linda Williams, Porn Studies, Duke University Press, 2004
Finding Aid for the Anna Kleinman Research Files on Rosalba Carriera MS.09
Rosalba Carriera translated diaries at the Frick Museum Library
Harry Henderson* and Albert Henderson, "The Indomitable Spirit of
Edmonia Lewis. A Narrative Biography." Esquiline Hill Press. 2012
K. P. Buick "Child of the Fire: Edmonia Lewis and the
Problem of Art History's Black and Indian Subject" (2010)
C. A. Nelson "The Color of Stone" (2007).
Lynn Alexander, Women, Work and Representation, Needlework in Victorian Art and Literature, 2003
Laura Auricchio, Adelaide Labille-Guiard,: Artist in the Age of Revolution, 2009 (also Art Bulletin article)
Rebecca Messbarger, The Lady Anatomist, The Life and Work of Anna Morandi Manzolini, U of Chicago Press, 2010
Jo Anna Isaak, Feminism and Contemporary Art: The revolutionary Power of Women’s Laughter, Routledge, 1996
Cherise Smith, Enacting Others Politics of Identity in Eleanor Antin, Nikki S. Lee, Adrian Piper, and Anna Deavere Smith, was published by Duke University Press in 2011.
Julia Bryan-Wilson, Fray: Art and Textile Politics, University of Chicago Press, 2017
Elissa Auther, String, Felt, Thread: The Hierarchy of Art and Craft in American Art, University of Minnesota Press, 2010
Jenni Sorkin, Women, Ceramics, and Community, University of Chicago Press, 2016
Smith, T’ai. Bauhaus Weaving Theory: From Feminine Craft to Mode of Design. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014
Sylvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch
Monika Fabijanska, The Un-Heroic Act: Representations of Rape In Contemporary Women’s Art in the US 2018
Vivian Greene Fryd, Sexual Trauma in American Art since 1970, Penn State Press, 2019
Roland L Freeman, A Communion of the Spirits: African-American Quilters, Preservers and their Stories
Donna Haraway, Simians Cyborgs and Nature, The Reinvention of Nature, 1990
Rachel Middleman, Radical Eroticism: Women, Art, and Sex in the 1960s (University of California Press, 2018