This is a sampling of some of the journals the Library subscribes to. Search for more in OneSearch.
- Children's Literature: The annual publication of the MLA Division on Children's Literature and the Children's Literature Association (ChLA) publishes theoretically-based articles that address key issues in the field. Includes articles, essays, and abstracts of dissertations of note. Coverage: 1972 to present.
- Children's Literature in Education: Covers classic and contemporary material, the highbrow and the popular, and ranges across works for infants through to material for young adults. Features analysis of fiction, poetry, drama and non-fictional material (plus studies in other media: film, TV, computer games, online works); visual narratives from picture books and comics to graphic novels; interviews with writers and artists; textual analysis and interpretation; historical approaches; reader-response work with children; ideas for teaching children's literature; adaptation, translation and publishing. Coverage: 9/01/1993 to present.
- Children's Literature Review: Profiles authors of children’s/YA literature of all genres; provides selected full-text or excerpted criticism reproduced from books, magazines, literary reviews, newspapers and scholarly journals. Includes numerous entries focusing on individual titles and topics in children’s and YA literature, including picture books, folklore, and graphic novels. Coverage: 1976 (vol. 1) to present.
- Children's Literature Association Quarterly: Publishes scholarship in children's literature studies. Features juried articles and book reviews. Coverage: 1979 to present.
- Horn Book Guide to Children's and Young Adult Books: Rates and reviews over 2,000 titles — virtually every children’s and young adult book published in the US in a six-month period. Book topics covered: Preschool, Picture Books, Easy Readers, Religion, Social Sciences, Folktales and Nursery Rhymes, Technology, Sports, and Biographies. Coverage: 4/01/2000 to present.
- Horn Book Magazine: Publishes articles, reviews, editorials, and "best books" lists. The site for the Horn Book organization allows users to access interviews, blogs, and suggestions for using books at home and at school. Coverage: 7/01/1990 to present.
- Journal of Children's Literature: Refereed journal devoted to teaching and scholarship in the field of children's literature. Explores issues of current concern to scholars in the field of children's literature, teachers of children's literature, librarians, and classroom teachers—preschool through middle school. Coverage: 4/15/2002 to present.
- Lion & the Unicorn: Theme- and genre-centered journal of international scope committed to a serious, ongoing discussion of literature for children. Coverage includes the state of the publishing industry, regional authors, comparative studies of significant books and genres, new developments in theory, the art of illustration, the mass media, and popular culture. Coverage: 1977 to present.