June 29 Lecture and discussion of following readings
- Eisenberg, Laura. “The Israeli-Palestinian peace process, 1967-1993, Routledge, 81-91.
- Golan, Galia. “Peace plans, 1993–2010,” Routledge, 92-106.
- Newman, David. “Gush Emunim and the Settler Movement.” Routledge, pp. 256-266.
- Chazan, Naomi. “Israeli Peace movements,” Routledge, 267-277.
- Hroub, Khaled. “Hamas,” Routledge, “233-243.”
June 30 Discussion of following readings
- Parsons, Nigel. “The Palestinian Authority,” Routledge, 222-232.
- Schulz, Michael. “Palestinian Civil Society,” Routledge, 244-255.
Primary Sources:
- Israel-Palestinian Liberation Organization 1993 Declaration of Principles