Course Schedule Feb 1-May 17Click "more" below to open the entire schedule, or visit the Topics pages on this website for weekly assignments.
1. Palestine, Israel, and the Middle East: An Introduction (February 1-3)
2 . Setting the Stage for the Conflict (February 8)
Lecture with questions on readings
Fishman, Louis. “Setting the Stage before Conflict,” in Louis Fishman, Jews and Palestinians in the late Ottoman Era, 1908-1914, Claiming the Homeland (Edinburgh University Press), Chapter One, 31-64.
February 10
Class discussion on the follow readings from Shared Histories
Aaronsohn, Ran. “The beginnings of Jewish settlement and Zionism to World War I,” 62.
Nassar, Issam. “The pre-history of Palestinian Nationalism,” 68.
Discussion between Ran Aaronsohn, Ata Qaymar, and Issam Nassar, 75-91.
3. Ottoman Palestine: The Jewish Yishuv and the Palestinians (February 17)
Read and be prepared to discuss in class; in addition to the readings we will review photos of Ottoman Palestine
Fishman, Louis. “The 1911 Haram al-Sharif Incident: The Palestinians versus the Ottoman Administration,” in Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 34, no. 3 (Spring 2005)
4. World War One: The Balfour Declaration and the making of the British Mandate (February 22)
Lecture and discussion of sources
Primary Sources:
Hussein-McMahon Correspondence
Sykes-Picot Agreement
Balfour Declaration
5. The British Occupation of Palestine and the first years of the Mandate (Feb 24-March 1)
March 1, lecture; March 3 discussions of articles below.
Mazza, R. (2018). " “The Preservation and Safeguarding of the Amenities of the Holy City without Favour or Prejudice to Race or Creed”: The Pro-Jerusalem Society and Ronald Storrs, 1917–1926". In Ordinary Jerusalem 1840–1940. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. doi:
The Palestine Mandate,
6. The British, Jews, and Palestinians, during the British mandate to 1939 (March 3-March 10)
March 3 Lecture, March 8 from readings from Shared Histories
Hassassian, Manuel. “The Palestinian national movement, 1919-1939,” 92-106.
Norman Rose, ““Zionist Diplomacy,” 1914-1939,” 101-107.
Discussion between Norman Rose and Manuel Hassassian, 108-134.
March 10 Read one of the two articles and be prepared to discuss in class
Grinberg, Lev Luis. "1931 — An Arab-Jewish Civil Society Struggle against the British Colonial Government." In Mo(ve)ments of Resistance: Politics, Economy and Society in Israel/Palestine 1931-2013, 60-89. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2014.
Matthews, Weldon C. "Pan-Islam or Arab Nationalism? The Meaning of the 1931 Jerusalem Islamic Congress Reconsidered." International Journal of Middle East Studies 35, no. 1 (2003): 1-22.
Primary Sources:
The British 1939 White Paper
7. Post-World War II, the 1947 Partition Plan, and International Politics (March 15-17)
March 15 Lecture and readings from Shared Histories
Maoz, Moshe. “The UN resolution of 1948: Why wasn’t it implemented?,” 177-181.
Salem, Walid. “The Paradox of the UN 1947 Partition Plan,” 182-187.
Discussion between Moshe Ma’oz and Walid Salem, 188-204.
March 17 Choose one of these articles to read and be prepared to discuss in class:
Krammer, Arnold. “Soviet Motives in the Partition of Palestine, 1947-48.” Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. 2, no. 2, 1973, pp. 102–119.
Roosevelt, Kermit. “The Partition of Palestine: A Lesson in Pressure Politics.” The Middle East journal 2, no. 1 (January 1, 1948): 1–16
Herscho, Tsilla, “France and the Partition Plan: 1947-1948.” Israel Affairs 14 (3), 2008, 486
Primary Sources:
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181
Midterm March 22
8. Israelis and Palestinians, 1947-48: Partition, War, Statehood/Nakba (April 5-7)
April 5 Lecture and readings from Shared Histories
Sela, Avraham. “Israeli historiography of the 1948 War,” 205-219.
Yahya, Adel. “The birth of the Palestinian refugee problem in 1947-48,” 220-227. Discussion between Avraham Sela and Adel Yahya, 228-250.
April 7 Discussion of following articles (to be divided among the class):
Khalidi, Rashid. “The Palestinians and 1948: the underlying causes of failure,” in Rogan, E., & Shlaim, A. (Eds.). (2007). The War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948(Cambridge Middle East Studies). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp. 12-36. SEE ATTACHED ARTICLE
Morris, Benny. “Revisiting the Palestinian exodus of 1948,” in Rogan, E., & Shlaim, A. (Eds.). (2007). The War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948(Cambridge Middle East Studies). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp. 37-59. SEE ATTACHED ARTICLE
Primary Sources:
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194
Israeli Declaration of Independence
9. Israel and the Palestinians to 1960s-1970s (April 12-14)
April 12 lecture and discussion of reading
Parsons, Nigel, “The Palestine Liberation Organization,” Routledge, 209-221.
April 14 discussion of articles (read 2 out of 3)
Shlaim, Avi. “Conflicting Approaches to Relations with the Arabs: Ben Gurion and Sharett, 1953-1956.” Middle East Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2, Spring 1983.
Muslih, Muhammad Y. "Moderates and Rejectionists within the Palestine Liberation Organization." Middle East Journal 30, no. 2 (1976): 127-40.
Primary Sources:
Khartoum Arab Summit Resolutions
UN Resolutions 242 and 338
10. From an Arab-Israeli Conflict to a Palestinian-Israeli Conflict (April 19-21)
April 19 Lecture and discussion of following readings
Eisenberg, Laura. “The Israeli-Palestinian peace process, 1967-1993, Routledge, 81-91.
Golan, Galia. “Peace plans, 1993–2010,” Routledge, 92-106.
Newman, David. “Gush Emunim and the Settler Movement.” Routledge, pp. 256-266.
Chazan, Naomi. “Israeli Peace movements,” Routledge, 267-277.
Hroub, Khaled. “Hamas,” Routledge, “233-243.”
April 21 Discussion of following readings
Parsons, Nigel. “The Palestinian Authority,” Routledge, 222-232.
Schulz, Michael. “Palestinian Civil Society,” Routledge, 244-255.
Primary Sources:
Israel-Palestinian Liberation Organization 1993 Declaration of Principles
11. From Peace and Back to War (April 26-28)
April 26 Lecture and discuss readings below
Nasrallah, Rami. “The First and Second Palestinian Intifadas,” in Routledge, 56-68
Peters, Joel. “The Camp David summit: a tale of two narratives, in Routledge, 69-77.
April 28 Read and discuss below articles
Bishara, Azmi. “The Quest for a Strategy,” in the Journal of Palestine Studies, Winter 2003.
Mahmud Abbas’s call to Halt the Intifada, in the Journal of Palestine Studies, Winter 2003.
12. The Palestinian Minority in Israel (May 3-5)
May 3 Lecture and we will discuss articles on May 5
Bishara, Azmi. “Reflections on October 2000: A Landmark in Jewish-Arab relations in Israel,” in Journal of Palestine Studies XXX, no. 3 (Spring 2001), pp. 54-67.
Zaher, Sawsan. “The Prohibition on Teaching the Nakba in the Arab Education System in Israel,” Adalah (2010);
Said, Ahmad, H. “Catastrophe, Memory, and Identity: al-Nakbah as a Component of Palestinian Identity,” Israel studies, 7.2 (2002) 175-198.
12. Special Topics to be announced (May 10-12)
14. Concluding Remarks (May 17)_