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BUSN 3230: Small Business Management and Minority Entrepreneurship: Course Requirements and Assessment

Prof. Hervé Queneau


The final grade is based on:

  • 4 discussions (200 points)
  • 4 quizzes (100 points)
  • team business idea (100 points)
  • team elevator pitch (100 points)
  • team marketing plan (100 points)
  • team business plan presentation (100 points)
  • team business plan (300 points)

The maximum possible number of points is 1,000 points.

Full descriptions of each requirement listed below.

A. Discussions (200 POINTS)

In an online course, participation is critical to enhance student learning. During Weeks 1-4, students are expected to answer one discussion question (DQ). The DQ is posted on the Discussion Board on Blackboard. Students should post their answer to the DQ by Tuesday 11:59 pm. During Weeks 1-4, students are also expected to participate in the Discussion Board by making at least 2 replies to the answers to the discussion question of other students by Thursday 11:59 pm. Each weekly discussion is worth up to 50 points.

B. Quizzes (100 POINTS)

There is a weekly quiz from Week 1 through Week 4. The time window to take each weekly quiz starts on Monday 12:01 am and ends on Sunday 11:59 pm. Each quiz consists of 20 multiple choice questions. Each question is worth 1.25 points. So, the maximum possible number of points for each weekly quiz is 25 points. Students can take each weekly quiz three times. I will keep the highest score.

C. Team Project - Business Idea (100 POINTS)

The Team Business Idea is due by Sunday, June 13th 11:59 pm. Each team should post their Business Idea on the “File Exchange” tool on their Group Page on Blackboard. Please indicate “Business Idea” in the subject line.

D. Team Project - Elevator Pitch (100 POINTS)

The Team Elevator Pitch is due by Sunday, June 20th 11:59 pm. Each team should post their Elevator Pitch on the “File Exchange” tool on their Group Page on Blackboard. Please indicate “Elevator Pitch” in the subject line.

E. Team Project - Marketing Plan (100 PTS)

Each team will write a marketing plan for their business idea. It is due by Sunday, June 27th 11:59 pm. Each team should post their Marketing Plan on the “File Exchange” tool on their Group Page on Blackboard. Please indicate “Marketing Plan” in the subject line.

F: Team Project - Buisness Plan Presentation (100 POINTS)

Each team will produce a PowerPoint of their business plan. It is due by Monday, July 6th 11:59 pm. Each team should post their Business Plan Presentation on the “File Exchange” tool on their Group Page on Blackboard. Please indicate “Business Plan Presentation” in the subject line.

G. Team Project - Business Plan (300 POINTS)

Each team will produce a business plan. It is due by Monday, July 6th 11:59 pm. Each team should post their Business Plan on the “File Exchange” tool on their Group Page on Blackboard. Please indicate “Business Plan” in the subject line.


Grades:  Will be assigned as follows:

Grades Average (%)
A+ 100–96
A 95-93
A- 92-90
B+ 89-86
B 85-83
B- 82-80
C+ 79-76
C 75-73
C- 72-70
D+ 69-66
D 65-63
D- 62-60
F Below 60