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Borrowing Information: Loan Periods

Everything on borrowing materials from the Library

Borrowing Times and Other Information

Books - The initial loan length for books for all CUNY students, faculty and staff is 16 weeks with 2, 16 - week renewals, the total loan length will be 48 weeks. 

If there's a recall placed on the item your have charged out, the length of the loan may change. 

Library Circulation Desk 718-951-5328


Media may be borrowed for:

  • Videos/DVDs:
    • BC Students and Brooklyn College Academy (BCA): In-Library use. DVD drives are available on public computers. Please ask staff at the New Media Center Desk if further assistance is required. 
    • CUNY faculty: 14 days. 0 renewals. 
  • Reserve media:
    • In-library use: 2 hours
    • Out-of-library use: 3 days or 7 days

Music items may be borrowed for:

  • Music books (see above re: Books)
  • Music scores can be checked out only at the Music Library service desk, must be renewed in person. The same times apply.
  • Music "reference scores" may be borrowed by BC faculty only for one week (no renewals); overdue fines are $1.00 per late day.

Recalls - You will receive a recall notice if the book has been requested by another patron.  There may be a new due date on the recall notice.  You are Not guaranteed your initial loan period if someone requests the book you have charged out. You will be given 14 days to return the recalled item, no matter when it was checked out.

For other reader categories, see Patron Privileges. You may also contact the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor, via, or at (718) 951-5328

These items can leave the Library:

Circulating materials:

Books are circulating material.

You may borrow as many books as you can read, just be sure to return them on time, or renew online through the library catalog.  Books are charged out at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor or the Music Desk on the 2nd floor of the Library.

You will receive a recall notice if the book has been requested by another patron.  There may be a new due date on the recall notice.  You are NOT guaranteed one loan period if someone requests the book you have charged out. You will be given 14 days to return the item no matter when it was checked out.

For other reader categories, see Patron Privileges. You may also contact the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor, via, or at (718) 951-5335.

Government documents often circulate.

The Brooklyn College Library is a selective depository receiving 49.12% of materials printed by the U.S. government. Our holdings from 1976 to the present are included in the library catalog. Some non-reference print and electronic materials may be borrowed by members of the Brooklyn College community.

Some non-reference print and electronic materials may be borrowed by members of the Brooklyn College community. Online resources are freely available to anyone with Internet access; you can find links to many of these resources on the Government Information subject page.

If you have any questions, please contact the Government Documents Librarian, Prof. Jane Cramer, at (718) 951-5332 or



Media are circulating material.

Circulating videos are charged out at the Music Service Desk on the 2nd floor. Borrowing time limits are placed on materials to ensure that they are accessible to as many people as possible. Videos and DVDs may be returned to the Music Library Service Desk or the Main Circulation Desk.

Music items are circulating material.

Music books can be checked out at the Music Library service desk on the 2nd floor or the Circulation desk on the 1st floor.  Books can be renewed online.  Music scores can be checked out only at the Music Library service desk, must be renewed in person.  Scores must also be returned to the Music Library service desk.

Music "reference scores" may be borrowed by BC faculty only.

Contact Information

Library Circulation Desk

These items do not leave the Library:

Non-circulating materials:

Periodicals do not circulate.

Faculty may inquire at the Current Periodicals Desk (718  951-5333) on the Lower Level or the Music Library Periodical collection (718  951-5844) on the 2nd floor of the Library about exceptions.

Reserve materials do not circulate.

Items placed on on-site reserve by instructors — books, articles, and personal copies — may be requested at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of the library. In order to identify an item that is on reserve, you must check the catalog and confirm that it is available in Brooklyn Reserve.

Books on reserve are available for short periods of time. These loan periods allow many students to have access to the materials:

  • Items placed on 2-hour Reserve loans may be checked out for In-Library use only.

  • Items placed on 3-day  or 7-day Reserve loans may be checked out and used outside of the Library.

Special Collections do not circulate.

While Special Collections materials are non-circulating, they are available for in-Library review. For information on the access policy, please see the Brooklyn College Archives and Special Collections page.

InterLibrary Loan Periods

Due dates  for Interlibrary Loan materials vary (because they are set by the lending library).