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CLAS 3239 | Ancient Medicine: The Classical Roots of the Medical Humanities: Student Projects

Welcome to Ancient Medicine: The Classical Roots of the Medical Humanities, a course designed to introduce you to the main themes and ideas in the medical literature produced by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Featured Student Projects

In this course, each student delivers a presentation of an image or other multimedia content that relates to current course readings. The students locate, research, and annotate these images/multimedia content; through this process, students engage with, discuss, and write about various readings on ancient medicine, and they also make contributions to an interactive map of course content. For a description of the guidelines for this assignment, click on the document link below.

El Cόlera and 'The Masque of the Red Death'

Ancient and Modern Uses of Cupping

Dreaming and Medicine: Ancient Greece and Medieval Christianity

Burkert's Pattern of 'Guilt and Causality' and 'Courage the Cowardly Dog'

Human Responses to Plague and Pollution: Dystopian Isolation in Edgar Allen Poe's 'The Masque of the Red Death' and WALL-E

Agamemnon as a Cause of the Plague in Homer's 'Iliad'

The Dissection of Agrippina

Yin/Yang: A Symbol of Medical Balance

End of Student Projects from Fall 2016 (Student Projects from Spring 2016 below)

The Temple of Asclepius at Epidaurus

Coins with images of Silphium

On The Interpretation of Dreams: Freudian Approaches and Hippocratic Dream Analysis

Portraits of Plague

The Danse Macabre, Plague, and Edgar Allan Poe’s 'Masque of the Red Death'

Battlefield Medicine and the Preface to Book 1 of Celsus' 'De Medicina'

The Lichen in Ancient (and Modern) Medicine

The Five Elements of the Wu Xing

Galen on Athletics and 'The Exercise with the Small Ball'

Treatments for "Hysteria", from Ancient Greece to the 20th Century

Fetal Development as Plant Growth: The Example of the Mandrake

Alexandria, Anatomy and Experimentation

The Suffering of Prometheus and the Athenian Plague

Water Quality, Health, and the Hippocratic treatise 'Airs, Waters, Places'

Plague and 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' by Hieronymus Bosch: Patterns of Indulgence, Guilt, and Suffering

The Homunculus

Spectacle and Authority in 'On the Sacred Disease' and 'A Beautiful Mind'

End of Student Projects from Fall 2016 (Student Projects from Spring 2016 below)

Epilepsy in Literature

Diagrams llustrating Sections of "Airs, Waters, Places"

'Embryo in the Womb' (Drawing by Leonardo da Vinci)

'The Birth of Venus' and the Hippocratic treatise 'On Generation'

Apollo: Instigator and Healer of Plague

Wet Nurses in Greek and Roman Antiquity

Archaeological Evidence Pertaining to the Athenian Plague (circa 429 BCE)

Betony and Plantain in Ancient (and Modern) Medicine

Roman Surgical Instruments