Anatomical Illustration of Pregnant Woman"Anonymous. Six anatomical drawings occur at the end of a volume containing Ṭibb al-Akbar (Akbar's Medicine) by Muḥammad Akbar, known as Muḥammad Arzānī (d. 1722/ 1134) in an undated copy probably made in the 18th century. Illustrations, in ink and opaque watercolors, of a pregnant woman with abdomen and chest opened to reveal the internal organs and fetus. Surrounding the figure are drawings of [at the top] two hearts, [lower right] the lungs, and something unidentifed in the lower left (labeled the opening of the vagina). Undated and unsigned, probably 18th century, India. Image from Islamic Medical Manuscripts at NLM. From [Six Early-Modern Anatomical Illustrations] (MS P 20, item 2).