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SPCL 3000 LGBTQ Youth in Educational Contexts (Greytak)

Prof. Emily Greytak OER

Week 7: Catch Up & Mid-Term Reflection


Week 7 Weekly Talk (14 min)


  • Are you behind on any other reading, videos, or movies? Take the time to catch back up. If you missed a Weekly Response, you can respond now and still get partial credit. 


  • Mid-Term Reflection Form This is an opportunity to reflect on your own learning and your progress in the course thus far. Honest, self reflection, and identification of both strengths and challenges are expected.You are also asked to provide feedback on what is and what isn't working for you. You'll be asked to comment on course materials, assignments, and instruction, as well as assessing yourself. You might want to consult the syllabus<Blackboard site, and/or the Course Site as you complete this.  
  • Sign Up for Mid-Term Meeting with Emily (prof): will be individual 15 meetings via zoom. 
  • Educator Interview & Analysis Project:Complete Step 1 - Log in the Project Journal: identify options of educator to interview, consider what type of project (note:the type of project must be different than type of project you did for the Population Project)

Week 8: Early Childhood & Elementary Settings



  • Watch: Weekly Talk Week 8


  • Post Weekly Response for Week 8
  • Educator Interview & Analysis Project: Step 2 - Log in Project Journal - Contact educator and confirm their participation, brainstorm possible questions.

Week 9: Early Childhood & Elementary Settings



  • Watch: Week 9 Weekly Talk
  • Watch: It's Elementary:Talking About Gay Issues in School - Part 1 (8 min, 48 sec), Part 2 (9 min 05 sec,) Part 4 (8 min 44 sec) & Part 5 (1 min, 59 sec) (you're not watching Part 3)


  • Population Project Gallery - After you watch my Weekly Talk where I explain the Gallyer, then review the Population Project Gallery (put the slide show in Slideshow mode, or else it won't work). Post your response to the Gallery in the Population Project Journal 
  • Educator Interview & Analysis Project: Step 3 - Log in Project Journal - First, review my response to your Step 2 post and review the Educator Interview Overview Document, specifically the questions. Then, finalize interview by finalizing your list of questions (13-15 questions including required, your customized questions, and the rest from the sample list). Schedule your interview with your Educator. The interview should take place during the following week (10/27-11/3), but you can schedule it this week.
  • Post Week 9 Weekly Response

Week 10: Secondary & Post-Secondary School Settings




  • Educator Interview & Analysis: Complete Step 4, Log in your Project Journal. First, review the feedback for your Step 3, revise your question list, if necessary based on my feedback.Then conduct your interview and make sure you record the responses to your questions. Review the Project Overview, esp p. 3 about the requirements for the analysis. Then decide on what type of project you will do. Then, answer the questions in Step 4 of your project journal. 
  • Post Weekly Response for Week 10

Week 11: Secondary & Post Secondary School Settings



  • Watch: Week 11 Weekly Talk
  • WatchMoonlight via Kanopy or on streaming service
Citation: Moonlight. (1:50:53) Dir. Barry Jenkins. A24, 2016. Kanopy.

FYI: Instructions on setting up how you wish to view the documentary

You can watch this film on various different devices (your TV, phone, table or computer/laptop). To watch this film on your TV or mobile device you need to:

  1. Go to App Store
  2. Download the "Kanopy: Thoughtful Entertainment" app
  3. Select "Get Started" button
  4. Select "Find University" button
  5. Type in: Brooklyn College Library
  6. Select "Brooklyn College Library"
  7. Select "Next" button
  8. You will now be sent to the Brooklyn College off-campus login page
  9. Login using your CUNYfirst Username and Password

You will now be able to watch this documentary on your preferred device.

Detailed Kanopy Instructions on downloading TV & mobile apps

OPTIONAL WATCH: Andre Holland (Kevin in Moonlight) on Masculinity & Homosexuality in the Black Community (3 min 32 sec)


  • Post: Weekly Response for Week 11 (includes movie review for Moonlight)
  • DUE: Final Educator Interview & Analysis Project Submit via BB, 11:59pm Sunday. Be sure to review the Project Overview document for all the details and the grading rubric. If you already submitted your full question list with the Educator Responses in Step 4 (last week), you do not have to attach it to your project submission. However, if you did not do Step 4 or if I asked you to make additions or revisions to Step 4, then you must submit it with your project. Let me know if you have any questions on that!

Week 12: Inclusive Curriculum & Pedagogy



  • Listen: If you prefer, instead of reading these, you can listen to this podcast episode from Learning for Justice (approx 59 min).


  • Watch: Weekly Talk


  • Review: this collection of LGBTQ+ focused lessons for middle or high school students from AFT - American Federation of Teachers (make sure you select "middle and high school" level): You'll select 2 of these lessons to discuss in your Weekly Response post. 


  • Take this Poll to Pick Topic for Next Week. We will choose one topic related to LGBTQ+ youth in education to focus on next week (Week 12). Which ever topic is the highest ranking, we will do! Can't wait to see what wins!
  • Post: Week 12 Weekly Response

Module 3 Project Assignment

Educator Interview & Analysis Project

  • Description: This project provides you with an opportunity to put into practice your learning about LGBTQ youth in educational contexts by conducting an interview of an educator, analyzing the responses, and interpreting and reporting on your findings in a manner of choosing. You will also gain practice in specifically applying the concepts and readings from the course in real-world contexts.
  • Project Steps - log in the Project Journal
    • Step 1: 
    • Step 2:
    • Step 3: 
  • Due: Full Project: Sunday,  By 11:59pm; Submit completed project assignment via Blackboard