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SPCL 3000 LGBTQ Youth in Educational Contexts (Greytak)

Prof. Emily Greytak OER

Week 3 2/10-2/16: Challenges & Joys of Being a Queer Youth


WATCH: Love, SImon - Rent for $3.99 on Amazon, YouTube, AppleTV, Google Play. You can watch the Preview for Love, Simon first if you want.

Free Options: There is also a (DVD copy available for free at New York Public Library). There is also an option to view as a watch party via my (Emily) zoom. If you prefer this free option, please email or text me to let me know asap and I'll set it up!



Population Project:

Review: Population Project Overview Video and review the Population Project overview sheet.

Complete Step 1 - log in your Project Journal. (you will reply to the Step 1 Thread in the Project Journal Forum) Then, log your responses to A and B in your Project Journal - more details are in the Project Journal Step 1 Forum. A) Identify the population you want to focus on. B) Identify one or more options for the type of project you want to do.

Week 4 2/17-2/23: Class Challenges & Joys of Being a Queer Youth


WATCH: Week 4 Weekly Talk (or click on "playlist" for Weekly Talks link on BB to find it)

WATCH: Pariah- Amazon Prime, Hulu, or Rent for $3.99 on YouTube, AppleTV, Google Play, Roku, Fandango
You can watch the Preview for Pariah if you like.


SUBMIT or POST: Population Project Step 2 and Week 4 Weekly Response (details below)

SUBMIT: Step 2 for Population Project  - log in your Project Journal

Finalize population and your project type, and submit reading for approval by attaching is a PDF or pasting a link. The reading can be a journal, news source, website, etc. but must focus specifically on your specific population (e.g. if your population is Black trans youth, then your reading needs to be about Black trans youth, not Black LGBTQ+ youth, or not trans youth, or not Black trans adults). Watch the Weekly Talk for more guidance and tips on looking for readings.

Stuck or need help: Population Project Overview Video from last week for more details about the project as a whole or review the Population Project overview sheet again). Text or email me or come to my Office Hours if you have questions!

POST: Week 4 Weekly Response (do this after you have done all the readings and watched my Weekly Talk and the Film Pariah). You can also access this directly from BB in the Journal section (that is where the link will take you)

Week 5 2/24-3/2: Challenges & Joys of Being Trans, Nonbinary, or Gender Nonconforming Youth


Read: Melissa, Chapters 1-6



WATCH: Week 5 Weekly Talk

Watch: Ma Vie En Rose (My Life in Pink) - Film, (1 hr, 28 min) French with English subtitles (or another language, if you prefer). You can watch/rent on YouTube, Amazon, AppleTV, etc. If you and/or your Study Group want to have a watch party via zoom, let me know and I can arrange it

Watch 2 Short Videos Below: "How To Know If Your Kid is Transgender" AND "Trans Familia"

Citation: How To Know If Your Kid Is Transgender by Planned Parenthood is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Citation:<.strong> Citation: [TransFamalies] Trans Families (5:43) [video] Retrieved from:


SUBMIT: Step 3 or Population Project  - log in your Project Journal

Review my responses to Step 2, and make sure you take my feedback into account. If necessary, provide a new reading or revised population or project type. Then, continue to Step 3: Identify 1 resource or organization that is focused on supporting your specific LGBTQ youth population group (this can be through a focus on youth themselves, or on parents/caretakers, educators, or youth service providers). This can a website, a whole organization, a brochure, a book, or anything that is specifically designed to support or help this specific LGBTQ youth population 

Stuck or need help: Population Project Overview Video for more details about the project as a whole or review the Population Project overview sheet. again). Text or email me or come to my Office Hours if you have questions!

POST: Post Weekly Response for Week 5. You can also access this directly from BB in the Journal section (that is where the link will take you)

Week 6 3/3-3/9: Class Challenges & Joys of Being Trans, Nonbinary, or Gender Nonconforming Youth


Read: Melissa, Chapters 7-12 (finish the book)

Read: Understanding Nonbinary Gender Identity in Children (very short)

Read: Nonbinary Identity Explained 

Read: "You're free from just being a boy or a girl": Nonbinary children's understanding of gender by Salinas-Quiroz et al. (2024)

Read: Debunking the Top 8 Myths... (linked below)


Week 6 Weekly Talk AND

4 short videos about trans and nonbinary youth (see below)

Citation: Coming Out as NonBinary, Trans, or Genderqueer by lifehacker


Submit Population Project! Your full project is due this week! Be sure to review the Project Overview for requirements and the rubric to make sure you're including everything. Submit by 11:59pm on Sunday on BlackBoard.If you are not sure about what or how to submit, please reach out to me!

Be sure that you include a summary paragraph about your project. You can include it in the "submission text" or it can be included in the project file/document itself. Just make sure it is clearly marked. This summary paragraph should explain how your project represents your population, and if it is not obvious from your project, how your reading and resource/organization informed the project. This paragraph will be used in the Virtual Gallery shared with the class.

Mod 2 Project Assignment

Population Project (Weeks 3-6)

  • Description: Students will select their own specific LGBTQ identity community of interest (population of LGBTQ youth) and express and communicate your learning and insights through a type of project of your choice. This will allow students to deepen their knowledge and illustrate the diversity of experiences and identities within the LGBTQ youth community. Students’ projects will be showcased to the entire class through a “virtual gallery” of all projects.
  • Details and Rubric: Population Project Overview
  • Submit completed project assignment via Blackboard
  • Due: Full Project: 3/9 By 11:59pm
    • Step 1: Due Week 3, 2/16
    • Step 2: Due Week 4, 2/23
    • Step 3: Due Week 5, 3/2