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SPCL 3000 LGBTQ Youth in Educational Contexts (Greytak)

Prof. Emily Greytak OER

Week 1 8/28-9/1: Introduction, Course Orientation, & Core Concepts



  • Syllabus (available on Course Site and on Blackboard Site




Watch: Week 1 "Class Talk" on Blackboard Part 2 for "Key Concepts" Section

  • READ: Global Sexualities (below)
    • You can ignore the first two paragraphs of the Introduction and just start unde the first photo, where it starts "Previous distinctions..." and read through the "Americas" section. End when you get to "Latin America and Central America" (*we will revisit the rest of this Chapter later in the semester)
    • You do not need to read the profiles or any of the online resources, etc.)
    • You can ignore all the things in the purple/gray boxes, and do not need to do any of the additional "read," "explore", or "watch" sections (although you are welcome to)

Watch: The Urgency of Intersectionality


Week 2 9/2-9/8: Core Concepts: Sex & Gender, Intersectionality

  • DO: Review the GLOSSARY from It Gets Better, choose at least 3 terms to click on and learn more about, including watching the linked video clip. (You will share which terms you selected as part of your Weekly Response)
  • Optional: Review List of Key Terms & Definitions for this course

SUBMIT: Module 1 Paper: What You Do (and Don't) Know About LGBTQ Youth - Submit Via Blackboard (see Paper Description there or here)

SUBMIT: Week 2 Weekly Response (you will need to have completed the Weekly Talk before you post)

Module 1 Paper Assignment

Paper Assignment #1: What I Do (and Don’t) Know About LGBTQ Youth (Week 2)

  • Description: This 2-3 page paper assignment is an opportunity to reflect on your knowledge and learning, with a specific focus on your own schooling experiences, in elementary, middle, and/or high school.
    • Details and Rubric for What I Do and Don't Know About LGBTQ Youth
  • Submit completed paper assignment 1 via Blackboard
    • Due: 9/8/24, Sunday, 11:59pm