If you are interested in customizing your course materials and enriching your course with a myriad of pedagogical advantages, please consider participating in the OER/ZTC Initiative for your 2024 courses.
Support for Your OER/ZTC Project Includes:
- Dedicated technologist to assist you with using Blackboard, LibGuides, WordPress, Manifold or another multimedia rich platform, online discussion software, digital text annotation with tools like Hypothes.is, audio, video, or map assignments, quizzes, tests, Zoom, and PowerPoint narration.
- Subject Specialist Librarian to assist with identifying OER materials and/or Library Licensed Resources.
- To receive a $1,500- $2,500 stipend the course must be completed by Fall, 2024. $500 for adoption of an existing OER. .
- If you are an Adjunct, the compensation process requires appointment as a non-teaching adjunct. Please consult: Adjunct Workload Limitations
- Course Section instructors who receive training to teach a course using the OER/ZTC materials will receive $500.00.
- Stipends are also available for original OER creation.
View OER/ZTC Created By Your Colleagues
Are you interested in OER/ZTC?
If interested in participating in the OER/ZTC Initiative, please send Prof. Frans Albarillo (FAlbarillo@brooklyn.cuny.edu) an email with the following information:
- Course name and number;
- Enrollment in each section;
- Number of sections using the OER/ZTC and the cost of the commercial textbook you are replacing with OER and/or library licensed resources.