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PRLS 4410: Bilingualism in the 21st Century: Module 1

Module 1: Topics

Week 1:Topics

a. Overview of bilingualism

b. Definitions and distinctions of bilingualism

d. What does it mean to be bilingual?

Week 2: Topics

a. Early/Late Development of Bilingualism

b. Measurement of Bilingualism

Module 1: Reading

Week 1: Reading

Module 1: Assignment

Week 1 Q#: Does bilingualism hinder or benefit children, according to the video?

Week 2: Q#: Describe two types of bilingual education.

What, Who, and Why

Module 1: Videos

Week 1: CU Boulder School of Education. Bilingualism Matters: Myths and Facts about Early Bilingual Development — Mileidis Gort. Accessed August 10, 2021.

Week 2:

Types of Bilingualism and Benefits of Knowing Them - Apr 10, 2020