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PRLS 3325 Institutions of Urban Life and the Latinx Experience, 1848-2018
PRLS 3325 Institutions of Urban Life & the Latinx Experience, 1848-2018 (Ortíz-Minaya)
Week 15
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PRLS 3325 Institutions of Urban Life & the Latinx Experience, 1848-2018 (Ortíz-Minaya): Week 15
Professor Ortiz-Minaya's OER course
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Week 1: Overview
Week 2
Week 3: Latinx Presence in the U.S
Week 4: Mexicans and the “City”
Week 5
Week 6: The Birth of Nuyoricans
Week 7: Dominicans and the U.S
Week 8: Latinxs and the Image of the “Threat”
Week 9: Restructuring of Cities, Urban Housing Crisis, and Finance Capital
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Current week's course work schedule
Week 15, 1st class
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 4: Cuántos más? In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city.
Week 15, 2nd class:
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 8: The Devil's Rancho. In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city.
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 6: Tropicalizing Cold Urban Space. In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city
Readings: Week 15, 1st class
Chapter 4: Cuántos más?
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 4: Cuántos más? In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city.
London: Verso.
Readings: Week 15, 2nd class
Final paper is due at the
of class
Chapter 8: The Devil's Rancho
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 8: The Devil's Rancho. In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city.
London: Verso.
Chapter 6: Tropicalizing Cold Urban Space
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 6: Tropicalizing Cold Urban Space. In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city.
London: Verso.
Week 14
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