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PRLS 3325 Institutions of Urban Life and the Latinx Experience, 1848-2018
PRLS 3325 Institutions of Urban Life & the Latinx Experience, 1848-2018 (Ortíz-Minaya)
Week 12
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PRLS 3325 Institutions of Urban Life & the Latinx Experience, 1848-2018 (Ortíz-Minaya): Week 12
Professor Ortiz-Minaya's OER course
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Week 1: Overview
Week 2
Week 3: Latinx Presence in the U.S
Week 4: Mexicans and the “City”
Week 5
Week 6: The Birth of Nuyoricans
Week 7: Dominicans and the U.S
Week 8: Latinxs and the Image of the “Threat”
Week 9: Restructuring of Cities, Urban Housing Crisis, and Finance Capital
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Current week's course work schedule
Week 12, 1st class:
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 15: Who will feed the dragon? In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city.
Week 12, 2nd class:
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 17: Uprising the Million? In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city.
Readings: Week 12, 1st class:
Chapter 15: Who will feed the dragon?
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 15: Who will feed the dragon? In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city.
London: Verso.
Readings: Week 12, 2nd class:
Chapter 17: Uprising the Million?
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 17: Uprising the Million? In
Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. city.
London: Verso.
Week 11
Week 13 >>