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SPCL 7804 Human Development: Session 12: Unit 5 – Emerging & Early Adulthood

Open Educational Resource (OER) created for Professor Elizalde-Utnick's SPCL 7804 course.


Please complete the following PRIOR to our Session 12:

1. Complete the readings.

Text Ch. 7, pp.255-275 (Library linkPDF link)

Arnett (direct link)

Boskey (PDF link, password-protected)

2. Self-Reflect.

  • When did you consider yourself an adult? How did this relate to your parent(s) perceptions about adulthood?
  • Describe your continued identity development during college and beyond.
  • Consider your gender identity and sexual orientation.

3. Review for Quiz#12.

The 5-question multiple-choice quiz will be on the assigned readings.


In this session we move on to discussing emerging and early adulthood. We will discuss the cultural variations in what constitutes emerging adulthood and ultimately young adulthood. We will dig deeper into identity development and consider gender and sexual orientation.  We will begin with a quiz on the assigned readings and then discuss the material and engage in application activities.